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词汇 弗洛伊德
例句 Floyd was banned from racing after a drug test revealed traces of amphetamine in his urine.弗洛伊德因兴奋剂检测显示其尿样中含有微量安非他明成分而被禁赛。The typical family structure of Freud's patients involved two parents and two children.弗洛伊德的病人的典型家庭结构是父母二人和两个孩子。Sigmund Freud is known as the father of psychoanalysis.西格蒙德•弗洛伊德是广为人知的精神分析学的鼻祖。He invoked the name of Freud in support of his argument.他援引弗洛伊德来支持他的论点。Freud explained it as a holdover from a childhood problem.弗洛伊德将之解释为童年问题的遗留。Freud's approach to the analysis of dreams is highly compelling.弗洛伊德对梦境的分析方法非常令人信服。He was a strict, old-school Freudian.他是个不折不扣、传统守旧的弗洛伊德学说信奉者。Freud created the concepts of id, ego and superego.弗洛伊德创造了本我、自我和超我这三个概念。The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books.弗洛伊德的影响在她的作品中随处可见。Freud called into question some deeply cherished beliefs.弗洛伊德对人们先前深信不疑的一些观念提出了质疑。Lucian Freud has been asked to paint a portrait of the Queen.卢西恩·弗洛伊德已受邀为女王画肖像画。The Freudian theory about daughters falling in love with their father has little evidence to support it.弗洛伊德关于女儿恋父的理论缺乏依据。In Freud's view, people's dreams often reveal their unconscious fears.弗洛伊德认为,梦境往往显示了人们潜意识中的恐惧。In Freud's theory, the two areas of sexuality and violence are interconnected.按照弗洛伊德的理论,性和暴力这两个方面是相互联系的。Freud is the father of psychoanalysis.弗洛伊德是精神分析之父。Freud remains today an enigmatic figure.弗洛伊德至今仍是个谜一般的人物。Much of his writing can be attributed to the influence of Freud.他的创作很多是受了弗洛伊德的影响。In examining the content of the unconscious, Freud called into question some deeply-held beliefs.在审视无意识的内容时,弗洛伊德对一些根深蒂固的看法提出了质疑。She was an ardent disciple of Freud.她是弗洛伊德的狂热信奉者。Such thinkers as Plato, Rousseau and Freud are well-known.像柏拉图、卢梭及弗洛伊德等思想家都是人所共知的。Freud explained the significance of some of the objects and situations in Anna's dream.弗洛伊德解释了安娜梦见的一些物品和情景的含义。Many psychologists now question the doctrines of Sigmund Freud.许多心理学家现在对西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的说法提出异议。The psychologist considers himself a Freudian.那位心理学家自认为是弗洛伊德式的人。His methods were not dissimilar to those used by Freud.他的方法和弗洛伊德的并无二致。Freud first mentioned this concept in his paper 'On Narcissism'.弗洛伊德在他的论文《论自恋》中首次提到了这个概念。According to Freud, our dreams represent our hidden desires.弗洛伊德所说,我们的梦代表了我们潜在的欲望。Dream analysis was popularized by Sigmund Freud.西格蒙德·弗洛伊德推广了梦的解析。Freudian theory has had a great influence on psychology.弗洛伊德理论对心理学有着巨大的影响。Jung and Freud fell out when Jung disagreed with some of Freud's central theories.荣格与弗洛伊德闹翻是因为荣格不同意弗洛伊德的一些中心理论。She illustrated her argument with quotations from Freud.她引用弗洛伊德的话来说明自己的论点。Freud postulated that we all have a death instinct as well as a life instinct.弗洛伊德假定我们都有生存本能和死亡本能。Freud was the father of psychiatry.弗洛伊德是精神病学之父。The modern spirit of revolt was best exemplified by the work of Kafka and Freud.当代反叛精神在卡夫卡和弗洛伊德的作品中作了最好的说明。His methods were not dissimilar to Freud's.他的方法与弗洛伊德的并无不同。Freud's ideas revolutionized our understanding of the mind.弗洛伊德的观点彻底改变了人们对心智的理解。Maybe, as the Freudians tell us, that which is repressed in one way will always find some other outlet.也许,正像弗洛伊德派学者告诉我们的那样,在某一方面受到压抑的情感总会以另一种形式发泄出来。He readily recognizes the influence of Freud on his thinking.他坦然承认弗洛伊德对他思想的影响。The author takes Freud's dream theories as the point of departure for his essay.作者以弗洛伊德的释梦理论作为他论文的出发点。Freud, more than anyone, was responsible for the establishment of psychology as a science.弗洛伊德对确立心理学为一门科学的贡献比任何人都大。If Freud were alive today, he would approve of our methods.假使弗洛伊德今天还活着,他会赞成我们的方法。




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