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例句 This caused a few gasps, as well it might.这事引得一些人倒吸凉气,毫不奇怪。Cats yowl. My dog's hair bristles in response.这些猫的哀叫引得我的狗毛发竖立。His jokes caused great mirth among his companions.他说的笑话引得同伴们哈哈大笑。Double-digit gains in home prices draw happy amens from a chorus of home builders and mortgage brokers.房价的两位数增长引得房屋建筑商和抵押贷款经纪人高兴地齐声叫好。Hunter's statement drew laughter from the crowd.亨特的陈述引得众人大笑。His behaviour was attracting disapproving frowns.他的行为引得人们蹙眉摇头。She started us off laughing.引得我们大笑。My embarrassment was a cause/source of great merriment among my friends. 我遭遇的尴尬引得朋友们大笑一场。Not even Will Rogers could make the poker-faced President laugh.就连威尔·罗杰斯也不能引得铁板面孔的总统发笑。She was fooling around and we couldn't stop laughing.她搞怪逗趣,引得我们笑个不停。The total deadlock produced a spate of rumour.全面的僵持状态引得谣言满天飞。His stories had them in fits of laughter.他的故事引得他们不时地大笑。His antics had the children convulsed in laughter.他的滑稽动作引得孩子们笑得前俯后仰。This new tendency has raised many a conservative eyebrow.这种新趋向引得保守派瞠目皱眉不已。Car horns toot as cyclists dart through the traffic.骑车人在车流中急速穿行,引得汽车喇叭嘟嘟响成一片。His wisecrack evoked snickers from around the classroom.他的俏皮话引得教室里一阵窃笑。Her words brought a sudden smile to his lips.她的话引得他脸上顿生笑意。He delivered the line perfectly, and everybody roared with laughter.那句台词他拿捏得恰到好处,引得众人哈哈大笑。Reporters tried to refine their questions to draw a direct response.记者们力图把问题提得简练巧妙,以便引得一个直接的答复。This caused shrieks of merriment around the table.引得一桌人尖声欢叫。Thanks for your letter. It really made me laugh.谢谢你的来信,实在引得我哈哈大笑。His oratory drew tears from his audience.他的演讲引得听众流下了眼泪。That caused considerable mirth amongst pupils and sports masters alike.那个举动引得学生和体育老师大笑不止。There's nothing like a sex scandal involving a randy vicar to set tongues wagging.没有什么能像好色牧师的性丑闻那样引得人们议论纷纷。Evenings bring couples and singles for open air concert.夜晚引得双双对对和单身男女去听露天音乐会。The cast included Paul Shane, whose quick wit had the audience in stitches.演员阵容中包括保罗·沙恩,他的机智幽默引得观众捧腹不止。He is said to have painted a trompe l'oeil of grapes which was so realistic that birds tried to peck at them.据说他画过一幅葡萄仿真画,栩栩如生,引得鸟儿都去啄食。The man's furtive manner made the policeman follow him.这人鬼鬼祟祟的举止引得警察跟踪了他。The show provided lots of belly laughs.这场表演时不时地引得观众捧腹大笑。Helen started laughing and that set me off.海伦大笑起来,引得我也笑开了。The joke provoked him to hoots of happy laughter.这个笑话引得他快活地呵呵大笑。Her screams brought the neighbors running. 她大声喊叫,引得邻居们都跑来帮忙。




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