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例句 Long-simmering tensions between the two groups eventually sparked violence.两个组织之间长期持续的紧张局势最终引发了暴力事件。Their reappraisal was triggered by new evidence.新证据的出现引发他们重新进行评价。The world champions suffered a sensational defeat.世界冠军们遭遇惨败,引发一片哗然。The war was caused by nationalism and greed.这场战争是由民族优越感和贪婪引发的。The tax cut issue has caused dissension among administration officials.减税问题在政府官员中引发了争论。You cannot prove conclusively that Sellafield caused cancer. You can only work on the basis of probability.你们无法确切证明塞拉菲尔德核电厂引发了癌症。你们只能基于可能性入手。He died of cardiac arrest after snorting cocaine.他死于吸入可卡因后引发的心脏停搏。Poverty has spawned numerous religious movements.贫困曾经引发了许多宗教运动。Four youths are suspected of starting the fire.四名青年男子涉嫌引发火灾。A sudden drop on Wall Street can set off a chain reaction in other financial markets.华尔街股价暴跌会在其他金融市场上引发连锁反应。The issue raises a moral dilemma.这个问题引发了一个道德上的两难抉择。The drug can cause mild stomach upset.这种药会引发轻微的胃部不适。The announcement brought cries of protest from the crowd.公告在人群中引发了抗议的呼声。The intensity of their relationship was causing problems.他们关系中所牵涉的感情强烈得引发了问题。Irving Brokaw popularized figure skating in the US.欧文·布罗考在美国引发了花样滑冰热潮。News of bread rationing created panic buying.面包要实行定量配给的消息引发了恐慌性购买。Rising prices will stimulate demands for higher incomes.物价上涨会引发增加收入的要求。The tsunami was triggered by an undersea earthquake.海啸是由海底地震引发的。The lecture gave the students a lot to think about.这次讲座引发了学生的很多思考。The decision to close the factory has provoked fury.关闭工厂的决定引发了众怒。The famine provoked another wave of emigration.饥荒引发了新一轮的移民潮。The passion and violence unleashed by Quebec nationalism continued to grow.魁北克民族主义引发的激情和狂热持续高涨。The storms may cause dangerous flooding.暴风雨可能会引发凶险的洪水泛滥。Test results provoked worries that the reactor could overheat.检测结果引发了对反应堆可能过热的担忧。The deluge caused severe mudslides.这场暴雨引发了严重的泥流。She hopes her editorial will provoke readers into thinking seriously about the issue.她希望她的社论能引发读者对该问题的认真思考。Anti-war dissent erupted into organized demonstrations several times in the Johnson administration.约翰逊政府时期,反战呼声多次引发了有组织的示威游行。The changes will cause problems right across the board.这些变化将引发各个方面的问题。Racism causes political instability and violence.种族主义造成政治动荡并引发暴力。The assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo led to the First World War.奥地利弗朗兹·斐迪南大公在萨拉热窝遇刺,引发了第一次世界大战。The nature of this book is to provoke reasoned debate.本书旨在引发理性的讨论。The announcement provoked an immediate storm of protest.公告一发布就引发了一场强烈的抗议。The monotony of motorway driving can cause accidents.在高速公路上驾车单调乏味,可能引发交通事故。It has sparked a spirited debate in the American press.这已在美国报界引发了一场激烈的辩论。The accident again raises questions about the safety of the plant.这起事故再一次引发了人们对于该工厂安全性的质疑。Ginny's rage at his treatment of Chris had simmered down to resentment.金尼因他对待克里斯的态度而引发的狂怒逐渐平复,只剩下了愤恨。The new laws banning fox hunting caused outrage in tweedy circles.禁止猎杀狐狸的新法律引发了上层人士的愤慨。The decision to close the factory has aroused the indignation of the townspeople.关闭工厂的决定引发了市民们的愤慨。Stress may act as a trigger for these illnesses.压力可能会成为引发这些疾病的原因。The campfire got out of control and started a forest fire.篝火失控,引发了森林大火。




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