例句 |
There are moments of unintentional humour.有几个并非出于本意的引人发笑之处。Films can entertain and educate, make you laugh or cry.电影有娱乐和教育的作用,能引人发笑,也能催人泪下。The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.滑稽演员讲笑话引人发笑。It reminded her of a funny story she'd heard at work.这使她想起了工作时听到的一个引人发笑的故事。They always spell his name wrong. It's a standing joke.他们总是拼错他的名字,这已成了经常引人发笑的笑料。It's a standing joke.这是一个每次讲起必引人发笑的笑话。That joke always gets a laugh.那个笑话总是引人发笑。The song's central character started camping it up for a laugh.歌曲的主角为了引人发笑开始耍宝。 |