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词汇 弄好
例句 It took me ages to get it right, but it was a marvellous feeling when I did.我花了好长时间才弄好,但弄好后真有种说不出的快乐。You can't possibly start decorating yet. We haven't sorted out the roof yet.你现在还不能开始装修,我们还未弄好屋顶呢。There, I've finally got it working.你瞧,我终于把它弄好了。It took me ages to get this right – I don't want some idiot to mess it up.我花了好长时间才把这东西弄好 — 我不想让哪个白痴把它弄坏。Why are you so hung up on getting everything right?为什么你那么着迷于把所有事情都弄好You kids go wash up now - dinner's nearly ready.你们这些孩子现在去洗洗手洗洗脸—晚饭快弄好了。We're working on it right now, so it should be ready soon.我们现在正在做,一会就会弄好She worked all afternoon on the car but never got it running.她一下午都在修车,但还是没把它弄好




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