例句 |
He endeavoured to extricate the car, digging with his hands in the blazing sunshine.他在烈日下用手挖着,拼命想要把那辆汽车弄出来。We need to get all the bits of dirt out of the carpet.我们需要把地毯里的小块脏东西都弄出来。They decided it was all up with the company and they had better get their money out as quickly as possible.他们认定公司完蛋了,最好尽快把他们的钱弄出来。The book was an unprofessional cut-and-paste job.这本书是一个外行人东拼西凑弄出来的。We've got to get this report together by tomorrow.我们明天一定要把这个报告完整地弄出来。 |