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词汇 childhood
例句 People can carry bad eating habits learned in childhood over to/into adulthood.人们可能把童年时养成的不良饮食习惯带到成年。His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling.儿时他最大的爱好是帆船运动、游泳和骑自行车。Fair enough, you didn't have a perfectly happy childhood: but your childhood is over now.没错,你的童年生活不那么幸福:但它已经过去了。The boy had been confined in a dark narrow room from early childhood by his parents.这男孩从小时候起就被父母幽禁在一间狭窄的暗室内。He gave us a painfully/brutally/refreshingly honest account of his childhood.他痛苦地/无情地/爽快地如实讲述了他的童年。Considering her difficult childhood her behaviour is excusable.考虑到她不幸的童年生活,她的行为是可以原谅的。Grandpa would rattle on about his childhood for hours.爷爷一提起他的童年就会喋喋不休地说上几个小时。The author recalls scenes from her childhood.作者回忆了童年的情景。The music recalls memories of childhood.音乐勾起了我对童年的回忆。Mother couldn't stand to be parted from me, miss my childhood and suchlike rubbish.妈妈不能忍受和我分离、错过我的童年等等这样一些愚蠢的想法。The book includes some amusing sidelights about his childhood这本书中包含一些与他童年有关的趣闻。She wrote an entertainingly honest account of her childhood.她如实而有趣地描写了自己的童年。He searched through the ruins of his childhood for the cause of his unhappiness.他梳理自己不幸的童年,寻找不快乐的根源。We were childhood playmates.我们小时候是一起玩耍的伙伴。He just clams up if you ask him about his childhood.要是你问起他的童年,他就干脆不说话了。He waxed nostalgic about his childhood. 他说起自己的童年充满怀旧之情。Most of us get over the pratfalls of childhood.我们大多数人都不在意孩提时都出过的洋相。My mother, who had a sheltered upbringing, has fantastic memories of childhood.我妈妈在呵护下长大,对童年有着非常美好的回忆。That old movie evoked memories of my childhood.那部旧电影唤起了我童年的记忆。Multiple-personality disorder is usually caused by early childhood trauma.多重人格错乱通常是幼年心灵受到创伤而导致的。The most formative period of life is childhood.一生中对性格形成影响最大的时期是童年。The smallest thing sets him off, and he can't stop talking about his childhood.一件微不足道的小事都能打开他的话匣子,他会滔滔不绝地讲述他的童年。She writes very amusingly about her childhood in Moscow.她把她在莫斯科的童年生活写得非常生动有趣。!Music can be used to evoke childhood.音乐可用于唤起童年的记忆。She never fully recovered from the traumas she suffered during her childhood.她一直没能从童年经受的精神创伤中完全恢复过来。All I'd cherished from early childhood had been denied me, so I simply gave up the ghost.我自童年起珍惜的一切都被夺走了,我只好放弃。It brought back so many memories of her childhood.这勾起了她对童年的许多回忆。I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.我内心充满着对早年纯真的童年时光的怀念。They found an increased incidence of childhood leukaemia in some areas.他们发现有些地区儿童白血病发病率上升。All through his childhood he'd been the poor relation and he had an aunt who was a millionaire.他在整个童年期间都是个穷亲戚,有个身家百万的姑妈。When I ask Nick about his childhood, he remembers a parade of babysitters.我问到尼克的童年生活时,他记起了一个又一个保姆。Little is known about the author's childhood.这位作者的童年几乎不为人知。He describes adolescence as the tumultuous borderlands between childhood and adulthood.他将青春期描述为童年到成年之间的躁动状态。I fulfilled a childhood dream when I became champion.我成为冠军,圆了我儿时的梦。She bore the scars of an unhappy childhood.她承受着不幸童年所造成的创伤。The book is full of amusing stories about his childhood.这本书里全是一些他童年的趣事。When I smell a pie baking, memories of childhood holidays crowd in on me. 我闻到烤馅饼的味道时,脑海中涌现出了童年时假日的记忆。Her latest book owes its inspiration to childhood memories.她新书的灵感来源于童年的记忆。He confronted his childhood trauma and tried to exorcise the pain.他正视自己儿时所受的创伤,努力消除心中的痛苦。He had a very happy childhood.他的童年非常快乐。




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