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词汇 开始变得
例句 The legal profession is starting to be less elitist and more representative.法律行业正开始变得更具平民性,不像从前那么精英化。The temperature of the discussion started to rise as each side added its own arguments.由于讨论双方各执一词,气氛开始变得紧张起来。He started to get all excited when I told him Cynthia was coming.当我告诉他辛西娅要来时,他开始变得非常激动。As the storm moves into the desert, the wind and rain start to kick up.当风暴移动到沙漠时,风雨开始变得更剧烈了。Loretta's starting to get possessive and jealous.洛蕾塔开始变得占有欲强且嫉妒心重。After a promising start, things began to turn sour.起先是很有希望的,后来却开始变得让人扫兴。The referee stepped in because the game had started to get a little too physical.因为比赛开始变得有些粗野了,所以裁判进行了干涉。As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.我们一路南行,乡间开始变得起伏不平,绵延的山峦一直延伸到河岸。My secretary was becoming difficult, so I kicked her upstairs and made her secretary of the company.我的秘书开始变得别别扭扭的,所以我把她明升暗降地调去担任公司的秘书。Believing he had only a year to live, his writing took on a feverish intensity.由于以为自己只剩一年的活头,他的文字开始变得激情澎湃。I was beginning to get irritated at the long delay.对这次长时间的滞留我开始变得不耐烦。After talking to you things began to gel.跟你一谈,情况开始变得明朗了。The weather was beginning to moderate.天气开始变得气温适中。In many schools, the rot is beginning to set in. Standards are falling all the time.很多学校的情况正开始变得越来越糟,教学水平一路下滑。The talk soon began to drag, and then died.不一会儿谈话开始变得单调乏味,接着就完全冷场了。He said he broke up with his last girlfriend because she was beginning to crowd him. 他说他跟前女友分手是因为她开始变得黏人了。He started to get aggressive and began to shout.开始变得气势汹汹,还大声喊叫起来。Their actions were beginning to look irresponsible to the point of giddiness.他们的行为开始变得不负责任,甚至到了轻率的地步。The economic outlook was beginning to look uncertain.经济前景开始变得不甚明朗。The debate entered a frivolous vein.辩论开始变得琐碎无聊。After his wife died, he started going off the deep end.妻子去世后,他开始变得脾气暴躁起来。Further up the river, the vineyards start to thin out.溯流而上,葡萄园开始变得稀少了。The engine started to overheat.发动机开始变得太热了。Everything began to go against us.一切都开始变得对我们不利起来。He had been waiting for over an hour and was beginning to feel irritable.他已经等了一个多小时,开始变得急躁了。I'm starting to get frustrated.开始变得灰心丧气。It was late summer, and the evenings were already getting cooler.那时候是夏末,晚上已经开始变得凉快了。After a promising start, things began to go sour.起先是很有希望的,后来却开始变得让人扫兴。The rot set in when his parents divorced and he started taking drugs.他的父母离婚了,他又开始吸毒,自此后就开始变得一团糟。As Christmas draws nearer, the big stores start to get unbearably crowded.随着圣诞节的临近,商店开始变得拥挤不堪。The paranoia is setting in.开始变得偏执。I began getting more and more enraged at my father.开始变得越来越生父亲的气了。He began to get very edgy.开始变得非常烦躁。On the slopes, the pasture was beginning to look green and lush.山坡上,牧草开始变得又绿又茂盛。She's gaining confidence in herself. 开始变得更加自信。It was a long trek, and Jack and I both started to get cranky.那是一次长途跋涉,我和杰克都开始变得烦躁易怒了。That boy's getting too big for his breeches.那个男孩开始变得目中无人。The weight loss began to look more serious.体重下降眼看开始变得愈发厉害了。Last year his health took a turn for the worse.去年他的健康状况开始变得不好了。She has recently begun to slouch over her typewriter.最近,她坐在打字机前就开始变得无精打采的。




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