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词汇 开始下雨
例句 They had barely set up the tents when it started to rain.他们刚扎好帐篷就开始下雨了。Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom.开始下雨了,桃树也开花了。Outside, it was starting to rain.外面开始下雨了。When it started to rain we headed for the trees as fast as we could.开始下雨,我们以最快的速度向树林走去。It is beginning to rain; it is just as well we brought our raincoats with us.开始下雨了,幸好我们带了雨衣。Just as we were about to leave the house, rain began to fall.我们刚要离开屋子时开始下雨了。It's beginning to rain - it's just as well that we brought our umbrellas.开始下雨了——还好我们带了伞。As soon as it began to rain they took cover under a big tree.开始下雨,他们就躲到一棵大树下避雨。Fortunately, we got home before it started to rain.很幸运,我们在开始下雨之前回到了家。It's beginning to rain.开始下雨了。The rain began around noon.正午前后便开始下雨了。We were finally ready to go outside, and sure enough, it started to rain.我们最后准备出发时,不出所料,天开始下雨了。The rain started up again.开始下雨了。It started to rain, and we all scrambled for cover.开始下雨了,我们都抢着找个避雨的地方。Then it turned cold and started to rain.然后天气变冷,开始下雨The sky darkened and it started to rain.天空变暗了,接着开始下雨It started to rain, so we decided to go back.开始下雨了,我们决定返回。We should cut the grass before it starts raining.我们应该在开始下雨前割草。Everyone ran under the trees when it started to rain.开始下雨时,大家都跑到了树底下。I got home just in time - it's starting to rain.我正好及时赶到家——随后就开始下雨了。We ran for cover as it started to rain.开始下雨时,我们跑着找地方避雨。It started to rain and a strong wind blew, but he pressed on regardless.开始下雨了,还刮起了大风,但他仍不顾一切继续前进。We went indoors when it began to rain.开始下雨了,我们进到室内。The rain came on just before lunchtime.就在午饭前开始下雨了。She was batting when it began to rain.开始下雨时她正在击球。To make matters worse, it started to rain again.更糟的是,又开始下雨了。The reservoir will refill once it begins raining.只要开始下雨,水库就会重新储水。Rain came on toward noon. 临近中午时,天开始下雨了。The rain came just as we set off.我们刚出发就开始下雨了。It started raining, so I quickly pulled the window shut.开始下雨了,所以我匆匆把窗拉上。It began to rain and we scurried home.开始下雨了,我们急忙赶回家去。It's starting to rain.开始下雨了。The clouds opened and the rain began to fall.云层消散,天开始下雨The sky had clouded over, and it was beginning to rain.天空阴云密布,开始下雨了。It began to rain and we all ran for shelter.开始下雨了,我们都朝避雨的地方跑去。We turned in the game when it began to rain.开始下雨时我们停止了比赛。It started raining right after the kickoff of the soccer game.足球赛一开球就开始下雨了。It had begun to rain, a fine mist drifting in from the sea.开始下雨了,一阵如烟的薄雾从海上渐渐飘来。Just as we were leaving home it started to rain.我们刚要出门就开始下雨了。He put on his cowl when it started raining.开始下雨时,他就戴上了风帽。




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