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词汇 开场白
例句 He always opens with a joke.他总是以笑话作为开场白The tenor of the opening remarks reflects the divergence in the priorities of the two sides.开场白的要旨反映了双方在何为当务之急上存在分歧。After the introduction he piles on the detail.开场白后他罗列了一大堆细节。The book is prefaced by a quotation from Faulkner.书的开头引用了福克纳的一段话作为开场白He always opens his speeches with a joke.他总是以笑话作为演讲的开场白He always begins his stories in the same manner.他总是以老一套作为故事的开场白I won't waste time on preliminaries.我就不在开场白上浪费时间了。She told the audience, by way of introduction, that the research was completed a year ago.作为开场白,她告诉听众此项研究一年前就完成了。Thus much may serve by way of proem.就说这么多作为开场白The seriousness of his opening statement set the tone for/of the meeting. 他严肃的开场白为此次会议定下了基调。He liked to introduce himself with a witty opening line.他喜欢用一句俏皮的开场白来介绍他自己。As the chairman said in his introductory remarks, the growth of the company has been phenomenal.就如同主席在他的开场白中所说,公司的发展成绩显著。In his intro he said he didn't know much about language teaching他在开场白中说他对语言教学了解得不多。Spencer began his speech with a quotation from Karl Marx.斯宾塞以卡尔·马克思的一句语录作为演讲的开场白Opening remarks are important since they set the tone for the rest of the interview.开场白很重要,因为它为随后的访谈确定了基调。His gentle introductory tone modulates into a coach's pre-game pep talk.他语气温和的开场白变成了足球教练赛前鼓舞士气的慷慨陈词。I will preface what I am going to say with a few lines from Shakespeare.进入正题之前,我先引用莎士比亚的几句诗作为开场白I did a few opening gags about the band that had played before me.我拿表演上个节目的乐队说事,插科打诨说了几句开场白He muffed his opening speech.他把开场白讲得一团糟。The introduction was read by an offstage narrator.开场白是由后台的解说员念的。He began with a brief introduction.他以简短的开场白开始。His introduction outlined the main points of the speech.他的开场白概述了演讲的几个主要部分。The audience strongly objected to the opening remarks of the president's speech.听众对总统发言的开场白极为不满。I was supposed to make the introductory speech, but I chickened out at the last minute.本来应该由我来致开场白,但我在最后一刻打了退堂鼓。This introduction is taking forever. I wish they'd just get on with it. 开场白时间太长了。但愿他们快点切入正题。He had already clearly laid down his view in his opening speech.他在开场白里已经明确阐述了自己的观点。Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks welcoming everyone, then began his speech.威廉斯清了清嗓子,讲了几句开场白欢迎大家后就开始作演讲。He prefaced his speech with an amusing anecdote.他讲了一件有趣的轶事作为开场白After a few brief preliminaries, she launched into her speech.简短几句开场白之后,她开始了她的演讲。His opening remarks were serious.他的开场白说得很严肃。I must just make a few prefatory remarks before Mr. Green begins his speech.格林先生开始演讲之前,我得简单说几句开场白I'd like to direct my opening comments to the younger members of the audience.我想把我的开场白讲给年轻的观众听。I'd like to make some introductory remarks before beginning the lecture.我想在讲座正式开始之前说几句开场白The speaker made some prefatory remarks.演讲者说了几句开场白




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