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词汇 康复
例句 Share prices were boosted by reports of the president's recovery.总统康复的报道推动股票价格上扬。A policeman was recovering in hospital last night after being stabbed.一名警员昨夜被刺伤之后入院进行康复治疗。He's recovering from a knee injury.他的膝盖上的伤正在康复But Kevin hasn't given up hope of being fit.但凯文仍没有放弃康复的希望。Doctors at the hospital say Mr Crowther is beginning to show signs of recovery, although he is still in intensive care.医院的医生说,克劳瑟先生虽然仍在重症监护室,但已开始有康复的迹象了。She was very ill for a while but she's all right now.有一阵她病得很厉害,但现在康复了。Maybe he is just selecting the patients who would get better anyway? It's a charge he denies.或许他只是挑选了早晚都会康复的病人?他否认这一指控。He saved my bacon. I don't think I'd have made it through rehab with nothing to look forward to.他救了我。要是没有什么盼头我肯定没法完成康复治疗。Remarkably, the child recovered from a disease which had swept the world, killing and crippling millions.令人意想不到的是,这个孩子从病中康复了,而这种病症曾经席卷整个世界,使数以百万计的人丧生或残疾。Ferdinand was jubilant after an impressive comeback from a month on the injured list.受伤一个月后奇迹般康复了,费迪南德欣喜万分。He never really recovered from the operation.手术后他一直没有彻底康复She made a miraculous recovery from her injuries.她受伤后奇迹般地康复了。He is fully recovered from the virus.感染病毒的他已彻底康复了。Her recovery was a medical miracle.她的康复是一个医学奇迹。His recovery could take months.他的康复可能需要数月的时间。He suffered a stroke and hasn't yet recovered the use of his left arm.他得了中风,现在左臂还未康复He's in hospital, recovering from a heart attack.他心脏病发作住院了,正在康复之中。A good rest would speed his recovery.好好休息会加速他的康复Sleep is a powerful restorative.睡眠是一剂有效的康复药。He made a remarkably swift recovery.康复得相当快。We nursed him back to health.我们护理他直到他康复The healing process was hastened by the new drugs.新药加速了康复Yates is struggling to recover from a serious knee injury.耶茨竭力想从严重的膝伤中康复过来。He made an uneventful return to normal health.他的身体顺利康复了。We run a buddy system to support recovering alcoholics.我们建立了一个伙伴制,以帮助日渐康复的酗酒者。There she lay year in year out, unable to move, and with no hope of recovery.她年复一年地躺在那儿,既不能动弹,也没有康复的希望。Once you are reasonably fit, you will find the exercise satisfying and pleasurable.当你身体一旦康复之后,就会觉得做这样的运动是令人愉快和舒适的。He is convalescing from his leg injuries.他的腿伤正在康复You'll be as right as rain soon.你很快就会康复的。He was recovering from a heart transplant operation.他做了心脏移植手术,正在康复Gentle exercise is usually recommended for convalescence and many health problems.对于疾病康复和许多健康问题而言,轻度运动通常是推荐的。It took a long time for him to recover from a bad cold.他患重感冒,很长时间才康复His father rallied from his illness.他父亲从病中康复了。We can only hope that the elephants can recover.我们唯有希望这些大象能够康复The doctors can't say whether he will recover at this stage.医生在目前阶段不知道他能否康复The doctor took entire credit for his patient's recovery.医生把病人的康复完全看作自己的功劳。We wish Bill a speedy recovery.我们祝愿比尔快快康复The news of her recovery came as a great relief to all of us.康复的消息让我们大家倍感欣慰。The doctors hold out little hope of his recovery.医生们对他的康复不抱多大希望。She's going to need time to recuperate after the operation.手术后她需要时间康复




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