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词汇 度过
例句 We spent that night in the open.那夜我们在野外度过Much of my early childhood was spent with my aunt in California.我童年早期的大部分时光是和我姨妈在加利福尼亚度过的。We spent a day at the coast.我们在海边度过了一天。She wanted to live out the remaining weeks of her life at home.她想在家里度过她生命中最后几个星期。I have spent a fairly considerable portion of my life here.我在这里度过了生命中相当长的一段时光。They had to weather some difficult times in the early years of their marriage.在婚后的最初几年里,他们不得不度过一段困难的时光。I had spent the intervening time in London, with Gretchen.我与格蕾琴在伦敦度过了那中间的一段时间。We spent a heavenly day on the beach.我们在海滩上度过了快乐的一天。He went mad and spent the rest of his life locked up in a mental hospital.他精神失常了,关在精神病院度过了余生。She spoke nostalgically about her childhood on the farm.她饱含怀念之情谈起在农场度过的童年。I sat on the porch and dreamed away the day. 我坐在走廊上,在遐想中度过了一天。I kept the bottle as a memento of my time in Spain.我留着这个瓶子是为了纪念我在西班牙度过的时光。I have spent all my life in this town.我一生都是在这个镇上度过的。He spent five days in the hospital.他在医院度过了五天。The honeymoon is to be spent in Italy.蜜月将在义大利度过Those words will stick with me for the rest of my life.那些话将伴随我度过余生。His early years were spent in San Francisco.他早年是在旧金山度过的。I spent my formative years in the Middle East.我在中东度过了我性格的形成时期。We had a lively time during the snowstorm.我们在暴风雪中度过了一段紧张的时光。I went camping for a week and enjoyed every minute of it.我去野营了一周,度过了非常愉快的时光。We rattled around Europe last summer.去年夏天我们在辽阔的欧洲度过We had a great old time.我们度过了一段快乐时光。When they get together, the talk always turns to their years together in high school.只要他们聚在一起,话题总是会转到高中时一起度过的时光。We had a lovely time with them.我们和他们在一起度过了一段快乐的时光。Relaxing with friends is a great way to spend a weekend.跟朋友一起放松是度过周末的一种极佳方式。During his later years, he lived in Cape Town.他的晚年在开普敦度过A few more months of hard work should be enough to get/put us over the hump on this project.再努力工作几个月,我们应该就能度过这个项目最困难的阶段了。He spent last season on the practice squad.他在集训队度过了上一个赛季。Just imagine having to spend the rest of your life in jail.想象一下得在监狱中度过余生的滋味。Some of them have come home for a few days's hard-earned leave.他们中的有些人已经回国,度过那得之不易的几天假日。We had a tremendous evening together.我们一起度过了一个美好的夜晚。She spent most of her long vacations at her parents' house.她的暑假大多是在父母家度过的。We spent a drowsy afternoon by the pool.我们在池塘边度过了一个不禁昏昏欲睡的下午。But Lucia prayed to God to have the power to survive the fire.露西娅向上帝祈祷,祈求上帝赐予她力量度过这一劫难。I've worked in public health services throughout my career.我的整个职业生涯是在公共医疗服务系统中度过的。We thanked our hosts for a very enjoyable evening.我们感谢主人让我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。He spends most evenings playing chess.他大多数晚上都是下棋度过的。He spent his gap year in India.他的间隔年是在印度度过的。As a graduate student, he spent a term at Wichita State University.他读研究生的时候,在威奇托州立大学度过了一个学期。She took a well-deserved vacation to Mexico.她去墨西哥度过了一个理应享受的假期。




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