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词汇 店员
例句 The manager told the shop assistant to work on stock if she lacked a customer.经理告诉店员,要她在没有顾客时整理库存商品。The shop assistants didn't take a blind bit of notice of the queue of customers waiting to be served.店员们无视等候服务的顾客排起的长龙。The salesman tried to palm us off with some shop-soiled clothes.那个店员想哄我们买下一些已陈列许久的衣服。She reached into her pocket and handed the clerk a crumpled ten-dollar bill.她伸手从口袋里掏出一张皱巴巴的十美元纸币交给店员He asked the clerk to rush his order.他要求店员迅速处理他的订单。The shop assistants didn't really want to discuss the matter, saying it was just my hard luck.店员们其实并不想谈论此事,说那只是我运气不好。Two of the shop assistants were complaining loudly within earshot of the customers.其中两名店员就在顾客能听到的地方大声地抱怨着。A furious clerk chased the children out of the store.一位店员气急败坏地追着把孩子们赶出了商店。She was a bit rude, that shop assistant, don't you think?她有点无礼,就是那个店员,你说呢?The changes will affect everyone from managing director down to the shopfloor worker.这些变动将会影响包括总经理和一线店员在内的每一个人。Most store managers have worked their way up through the ranks.大多数商店经理都是由普通店员干起,一步步升上来的。The shop assistant wrapped the vase carefully in tissue paper.店员用薄纸将花瓶仔细地包好。The lackadaisical clerk threw my change on the counter.那懒洋洋的店员把找我的钱扔在柜台上。In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played a grocery clerk.托尼·柯蒂斯在其首部电影里,扮演了一个食品杂货店店员Most store managers worked their way up through the ranks.大多数商店经理都是由普通店员干起,一步步升上来的。There is a vacancy for a shop assistant on Saturdays.商店有个星期六上班的店员职位空缺。The clerk charged the purchase to my account.店员把购买的东西记在我的账上。The store is overstaffed and will probably begin to lay off some workers.这家商店店员太多,很可能要开始裁员了。Shoppers have had enough of unhelpful and uninterested shop staff treating them with ignorance and rudeness.购物者受够了某些店员的气,他们对顾客既不帮助也不关心,不理不睬,粗鲁无礼。The robber waved a pistol at the clerk.歹徒举起手枪对准了店员The clerk put the check on a spindle.店员将支票放到扦子上。The store clerk asked if I needed any help, but I told him I was just looking. 店员问我是否需要帮助,我告诉他我只是随便看看。The assistant took the book and checked the price on the back cover.店员拿起书,核对了一下封底的定价。She tried to persuade people not to patronize the store until it agreed to hire black assistants.她试图劝说人们不要去那家商店买东西,除非这家店同意雇用黑人店员The angry customer was not placated by the clerk's apology.店员的道歉没能平息消费者的愤怒。The clerk said he didn't have any change.店员说没有零钱。The clerk spotted the girl shoplifting and stopped her from leaving the store.店员发现那女孩偷东西,就阻止她离开商店。The merchandise is attractively displayed and the assistants are friendly and helpful.商品陈列得很漂亮,店员态度友好,服务周到。The shop assistant was very obliging.这位店员非常热情。The salesman's aggressive manner put us off.店员咄咄逼人的样子使我们很反感。The shop assistant was not in the least afraid of the trouble.店员一点也不怕麻烦。The shop assistant sold me on a more expensive model than I wanted.店员说服我购买了一款比我原先想要的价格更高的样式。One of the salespeople came up and asked if she could help.其中一位店员走过来,问有什么需要她帮忙的。His clothes identified him as a clerk. 他的穿着表明他是名店员Staff were pilfering behind the bar.店员在柜台后有些小偷小摸的行为。The clerk asked me to sign the docket.店员让我在单据上签字。The salesclerks and the teachers got pay rises of 6% and 9% respectively.店员和教师的薪资分别增加百分之六和百分之九。The fierce aspect of the salesman frightened the customer off.那个店员的凶相把顾客吓走了。Mark detected a smirk on the clerk's face.马克发现那个店员的脸上带着一丝讥笑。The shop assistants leave you to yourself to try things on.店员让顾客自行试穿衣服。




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