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Ground floor windows are particularly vulnerable and secure locks should be fitted.底层的窗户特别不安全,应该装上防盗锁。The design of the ground floor created ample space for a good-sized kitchen.底层的设计为建一个大厨房提供了充足的空间。The flats are set around a courtyard with shops at ground level.公寓的中间是一个庭院,底层是店铺。The captain ordered the men below. 船长命令船员到底层甲板去。I'd like to gravel over the paving at ground level.我想给底层的路面铺上沙砾。He put the old books on the bottom shelf.他将旧书放在底层书架上。Welfare cuts have reduced the income of those at the bottom of the pile.福利削减使那些处于底层的人收入减少了。The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs.老城区底层人群面临的基本问题是住房紧张和就业不足。Divers found this unique species of fish at the substratum of the sea.潜水夫在海的底层发现了这个独特的鱼种。He lived in a ground floor maisonette.他住在底层的公寓套房。He rose from mean origins to high office.他从底层升到了要职。You can put your pyjamas in the bottom drawer.你可以把你的睡衣放在底层的抽屉里。In this book, he looks at the organization with a worm's eye view.在本书中,他从底层的视角来看待这个组织。Bathroom furnishings are in the basement of the store.卫浴设备在商场的底层。Her suitcase had a false bottom, containing 2 kilos of heroin.她的手提箱有个假底层,里面夹藏了两公斤海洛因。The top layer of the rug is badly worn but the bottom layer is still OK.地毯的表层磨损得很厉害,但是底层还好。Popular support lay in the unwashed social stratum.民众的支持存在于社会的底层。Start at the bottom and try to work your way up.从底层干起,然后努力一步步升上去。Fire broke out on the first floor of the apartment building.公寓楼的底层起火。My office is on the ground floor.我的公寓套房在底层。The whole family camped on the first floor of the unfinished house.全家在尚未完工房屋的底层栖身。The downstairs of the two little houses had been entirely refashioned.两栋小楼的底层已经彻底翻修过。A spiral staircase descends to the lower ground floor.螺旋式楼梯向下延伸至底层。He is at the bottom of the pile but should get a promotion soon.他目前处于底层但很快就会受到提拔。The ground floor of our house is on a level with the street.我家房子的底层与街面一样高。There were chalky bits in the bottom of the drink.饮料底层有粉笔灰一样的东西。The ground floor of the house was flooded.房子的底层被淹了。He was at the bottom of the corporate hierarchy.他在公司层级的底层。The company's new CEO started at the bottom and worked her way to the top.公司的新任女首席执行官是从底层工作干起一步步升到最高职位的。Along a ground floor corridor a change of bulb strength would undoubtedly help to light the way.改变底层走廊灯泡的亮度,无疑会有助于照路。The BBC must not seek to dumb down and compete with the bottom end of the market.英国广播公司绝不可放低身段去和市场底层的对手竞争。He worked his way up from the bottom.他是从底层干起,一步步升上去的。The company is retiring people at the top end and getting young people in at the bottom.公司正在上层裁员,而在底层招收年轻员工。These workers are at the bottom of the economic heap.这些工人处于经济结构的底层。We have still got to paint the downstairs.我们还得把底层的房间粉刷一下。The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.博物馆的底层为一具恐龙的骨骼占据了。The bottom floor of the building is for nonresidential use and the top two floors have apartments.这个楼房的底层不用于居住,最上面两层有公寓。We keep all the cooking utensils on the bottom shelf.我们把所有的炊具都放在架子底层。 |