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We should give him a sum of money in respect of the work he has done.我们应给他一笔钱作为他的工作报酬。Babies should never be overclothed.绝对不应给婴儿穿衣过多。A soldier should not bring scandal upon the uniform.军人不应给军队丢脸。The curtain material has to be treated with some dope.应给那块帘布上些漆胶。Remember the precedence due to seniority.记住应给长辈以优先权。He seems to think that the world owes him a living.他似乎认为社会应给他一条谋生之路。Special provision should be made for children.应给孩子在经济上专门作好安排。Parents should set aside a time for their children to study, a period sheltered from television.父母应给孩子们规定一段温课的时间,在此时间内不得看电视。All parents should have their children immunized.所有父母都应给孩子打疫苗。Professors are supposed to give trigger warnings to students before giving them a test.教授在测试学生前,应给学生事先的触发预警。He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.他认为应给员工提供发挥主动性的机会。 |