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词汇 床上
例句 I watched him as he tried, very slowly and feebly, to get out of bed.我看着他试图从床上起来,行动非常缓慢,身体虚弱无力。The springs on the bed twanged.床上的弹簧嘣嘣响。I just want to stretch out in my own bed.我只想舒舒服服地躺在自己的床上He slept on a makeshift bed of blankets and cushions.他睡在用毛毯和垫子铺成的临时床上I went back to bed.我又回到床上As Katie fell asleep her book fell from her hands and slithered off the bed.凯蒂睡着了,书从她手中掉下,从床上滑了下来。The people sleep on sun loungers packed tight, end to end.人们躺在首尾相连、密密排在一起的日光浴床上With difficulty she managed to pull his dead weight onto the bed.她费了好大的劲儿才把他沉重的身体拖到床上She threw her handbag onto the bed.她把手提包朝床上一扔。The bed was sheeted in purple silk.床上铺着紫色丝绸床单。The stench from the bed was enough to make Detective Saunders heave.床上的那股恶臭让桑德斯侦探恶心不已。He threw himself on his bed.他一头扎到了床上She stripped the sheets from the bed.她把床单从床上撤了下来。Carl sat up in bed, yawned, and stretched.卡尔从床上坐起来,打了个呵欠,伸伸懒腰。They were not licensed to use the hoist to get Phil off the bed and into their carrying equipment.他们没有得到允许用升降机把菲尔从床上转到到他们的运送设备上。She arrived home exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed.她精疲力竭地回到家,勉强冲了个澡就倒在了床上Jerrold pulled himself upright on the bed.杰罗尔德从床上坐了起来。Liz dragged her out of bed and stood over her while she got dressed.莉兹把她从床上拖起来,站在她旁边看她穿衣服。With his dishevelled / disheveled appearance he often looks as though he's just fallen out of bed.他不修边幅,经常看起来像刚从床上爬起来似的。Alan heaved his suitcase onto his bed.艾伦把他的手提箱拖到了床上He woke to find that his quilt had slipped off the bed.他醒来发现被子从床上滑下来了。She shrieked and leapt from the bed.她尖叫一声从床上跳了起来。The general gave the orders from his sickbed.将军躺在病床上下达命令。He was already asleep in the bed, which smelled faintly of mildew.他已经在略带霉味的床上睡着了。I sprang out of bed to answer the door.我从床上跳起来去开门。The baby burbled happily in her crib.宝宝在小床上咿咿呀呀,非常开心。He took to his bunk.他躲到了床上There was a huge heap of blankets and pillows on the bed.床上有一大堆毯子和枕头。He laid the clothes neatly on his bed.他把那些衣服整齐地放在床上You bad boy! Go back to bed at once.你这个淘小子!马上回床上去。Throwing back the sheet, he sprang from the bed.他掀开被单,从床上跳了起来。Jeanette put out her clean clothes on the bed.珍妮特把自己的干净衣服摆放在床上The mud in the dried-up river bed had cracked.干涸的河床上泥土已经开裂。He tried to summon the willpower to get out of bed.他拼命鼓足了勇气想从床上爬起来。The bed had clean sheets and warm blankets.床上是干净的被单和暖和的毯子。I ought to be tucked up in bed now.我现在该到床上呆着去了。She crept from the bed and fumbled for her dressing gown.她从床上蹑手蹑脚地爬起来,摸索着自己的晨衣。He thumped into bed and went to sleep.他重重往床上一倒便睡着了。The hospital bed is no longer occupied by his wife.他的妻子不在这张病床上了。The river slows on the flat bottom.河水在平坦的河床上减慢了流速。




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