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His sense of humour is his saving grace.幽默感是他的唯一可取之处。She has an offbeat sense of humor.她有一种特别的幽默感。His Irish strain gives him a sense of humour.他的爱尔兰血统赋予他一种幽默感。Her sense of humor is uniquely her own.她的幽默感是她特有的。She had a wicked sense of humour.她有种古灵精怪的幽默感。He exudes natural charm and good humour.他表现出一种与生俱来的魅力和很强的幽默感。They like his beauty, his oddity, and his sense of humour.他们喜爱他的美貌、他的古怪和他的幽默感。He hasn't lost his sense of humor.他还没有失去幽默感。His sense of humor made him a natural for the TV talk shows.他的幽默感使他天生就擅长主持电视谈话节目。He seems to lack a sense of humour.他似乎缺乏幽默感。His arrogance is softened by a good sense of humor. 他的幽默感使他的傲慢态度不那么让人讨厌了。She has a whimsical sense of humor.她有种离奇古怪的幽默感。I don't know how he managed to keep his sense of humour with all he's been through.我不明白他在经历了这许多事之后怎么还能够保持幽默感的。He has no sense of humour and cannot take a joke.他没有幽默感,开不起玩笑。In spite of everything, Robyn's managed to keep her sense of humor.尽管发生了这一切,萝宾还是努力保持了她的幽默感。His friends all enjoy his perverse sense of humor.他的朋友们都喜欢他那与众不同的幽默感。He has a twisted sense of humor.他那种幽默感让人感觉别扭。His sense of humour was his only saving grace.他的幽默感是他唯一的可取之处。I find his sense of humour rather puerile.我发现他的幽默感相当傻气。I like his quirky sense of humour.我喜欢他那种怪异的幽默感。She has an irrepressible sense of humor.她幽默感十足。A good sense of humour is another of his fine qualities.良好的幽默感是他的又一个优点。Justine was unfortunately not blessed with a sense of humour.贾斯廷真是不幸,没有一丁点幽默感。He had a clownish sense of humour.他有一种非常滑稽的幽默感。His sense of humour allowed him to face adversaries with equanimity.他的幽默感让他能够镇定地面对对手。She has an off-the-wall sense of humor.她有一种不同寻常的幽默感。They were imaginative, quick, and humorous.他们富有想像力,反应快且富于幽默感。They worked themselves to death but never lost their humour.他们累死累活地干活,但却从没有丢掉幽默感。He has no sense of humor. 他没有幽默感。His humor is one of his most attractive qualities.他的幽默感是他最吸引人的品质之一。He has a very lavatorial sense of humour.他有着颇为粗俗的幽默感。He's got a daft sense of humor.他有种傻里傻气的幽默感。What I like about him is his sense of humor.我喜欢的是他的幽默感。Hiroko's a cheerful person, with a delightfully wicked sense of humour.广子是个性情愉快的人,有一种谑而不虐的幽默感。Good humor is a promoter of friendship.良好的幽默感能促进友谊。He had a keen sense of humour.他极富幽默感。He's got no sense of humour.他一点幽默感都没有。He was a straight-faced, humourless character.他是个一脸严肃相、缺乏幽默感的人。A sense of humour is an important asset for any teacher.对任何老师来说,幽默感都是一个重要的优点。He was tall and had a quirky, off-beat sense of humour.他个子高高的,有一种独特、另类的幽默感。 |