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词汇 幼苗
例句 The young wheat shone silkily in the sunshine.小麦的幼苗在阳光下显得柔软而光洁。She carefully teased the roots of the young plant out of the soil.她小心地把幼苗的根从土壤里拨出来。Pot the seedlings after 2-3 weeks.两到三周后把幼苗栽入盆中。Keeping the young plants in a greenhouse will help bring them on.幼苗放在温室里可以促进它们生长。The gardener was clearing a space so he could plant the young seedlings.园艺工正在清理出一个地方来种植幼苗Seedlings survive better in stony soil.幼苗在多石的土壤中能更好地存活。She carefully transplanted the seedlings.她小心地移植幼苗Prick out the seedlings as soon as they can be handled.幼苗能挪移时就马上移植。Water the young plants carefully during dry spells.干燥无雨的时候要给幼苗仔细浇水。Don't allow the soil to dry out before the seedlings are through.幼苗破土之前不要让土壤干透。Keep the soil moist. That way, the seedling will flourish.保持土壤湿润,那样幼苗就能茁壮成长。Fred gets on with the job of transplanting young brassica plants.弗雷德继续进行移植芸苔幼苗的工作。She rooted the seedlings in pots before planting them in the garden.她将幼苗放在花盆里生根,然后再把它们移植到花园里。The rain will bring forward the young crops.这场雨将促进作物幼苗的生长。You should thin out crowded seedlings.你应该使过密的幼苗间隔稀疏些。The young plants need some coverlets in winter.这些幼苗在冬天需要覆盖物。The young plants all died in the late frost.幼苗全在晚霜中冻死了。The seedlings had shriveled up a bit in the hot sun.在炎热的太阳光下,幼苗已有一点干枯。Within a few years, these saplings will grow into tall trees.不出几年,这些幼苗就会长成大树。Water the young plants well, but don't swamp them.好好给这些幼苗浇水,但不要浇得太多。You can seed it directly, rather than transplanting seedlings.你可以直接撒种,而不是移植幼苗Plant the seedlings in well-drained potting mix.幼苗植于排水良好的盆栽混合料中。I tried painting the young shoots with weed killer, but it didn't kill them off.我试过在幼苗上涂抹除草剂,但没有将它们杀死。You can see the seedlings beginning to poke through the soil.你会看见幼苗开始从土壤里冒出来。I prepared the earth carefully for my seedlings.我仔细准备好泥土栽种幼苗Being sturdy plants, the young peas have no trouble pushing up through the mulch.豌豆的幼苗非常壮实,顺利地穿过覆盖层破土而出。The frost killed the young tomato plants.寒霜冻死了番茄幼苗Pot the seedlings on or plant them out in Spring.春天的时候,给幼苗换盆或把它们移植到户外。The young seedlings are usually wintered in a cold frame.幼苗通常会放在冷床里越冬。I shall fumigate the greenhouse before planting the seedlings.在种植幼苗之前我应该把温室熏一熏。Try to safeguard the young plants from frost.要尽量保护幼苗免遭霜冻。




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