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词汇 年龄
例句 She's got to an age where she is being awkward.她到了难相处的年龄Richard doesn't look his age at all.理查德看起来和他的年龄一点儿也不相符。He mellowed considerably as he got older.随着年龄增长,他宽容很多。The only cloud on the horizon for the team is the age of its key players.这支队唯一潜在的问题是主力队员年龄偏大。What kids experience now is an uneven rate of development. They are forced to be older than their years.小孩子现在所经历的是成长速度不均衡的问题,他们被迫变得比实际年龄老成。The job is open to any suitably qualified person regardless of age, gender, or race.本职位接受任何有相当资历的人士申请,不分年龄、性别和种族。At this age, babies are starting to take an interest in the world around them.在这个年龄,婴儿开始对周围的世界产生兴趣。At this age your baby cannot differentiate one person from another.这个年龄的婴儿还不能认人。She's quite mature for her age.就她的年龄而言,她已经十分成熟了。She guessed my age on her first try.她一下子就猜中了我的年龄At my age, I think I can forget fashion.在我这个年龄,我想我可以不用考虑时尚了。Age alone will not preclude him from standing as a candidate.单是年龄问题不会妨碍他参选。She was young at the time, and newly married.她那时年龄不大,刚结婚。It is illegal to drink underage in America.在美国,未到年龄喝酒是违法的。Accidents and sudden illnesses are no respecters of age.不管什么年龄都有可能遭遇意外事故和突发疾病。James reads quite well for his age.对詹姆斯这个年龄来说,他的阅读能力算不错了。She has great powers of concentration for a child her age.就她这个年龄的孩子而言,她的专注力极强。If you were older, you might understand.如果你年龄大点儿,或许你会理解。According to my mother, I was too forward for my age.按我母亲的话讲,我显得比实际年龄大很多。I tried to guess her age but couldn't.我试图猜出她的年龄,但猜不出来。Clara was a plain, dumpy woman, several years older than her husband.克拉拉是个相貌平平的矮胖女人,年龄比她丈夫大几岁。Despite his age, he still has a lot of sex appeal.尽管年龄大了,他仍性感十足。A group of older girls bashed up the sisters.一帮年龄大些的女孩子将小女孩们揍了一顿。I'm worried that my age might count against me.我担心我的年龄可能对我不利。Your ophthalmologist can detect early stages of AMD during a medical eye examination.眼科医生在检查过程中可以发现年龄相关性黄斑变性的早期症状。She's very mature for her age.就她的年龄而言,她非常成熟。I badly wanted the job, but knew that my age would probably tell against me.我非常想要这份工作,但我知道我的年龄可能会对我不利。To my mind, age does not matter; love is what matters.在我看来,年龄不是问题,爱情才最重要。She won't thank you for telling everyone how old she is.你到处宣扬她的年龄,她必定会很恼火。Your memory tends to get worse as you get older.随着年龄增大,你的记忆力会逐渐衰退。Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.这个年龄的孩童常常讲到被老虎和狮子吃掉以及类似的事情。She is quite tall for her age.就她这个年龄来说,她个子已经相当高了。I wondered how old she was but I didn't dare ask.我想知道她的年龄,但是我不敢问。Age may figure into the equation.年龄可以列入这个等式。Technophobia increases with age.随着年龄的增长,技术恐惧感愈加强烈。What consenting adults do in private is their own business.到了法定性成熟年龄的成年人私下里做什么是他们自己的事。It's difficult to judge her age.很难猜出她的年龄Having a baby changes your life completely, whatever your age.不管年龄有多大,有了孩子会完全改变你的生活。Julie had a throaty voice that made her sound older than she was.朱莉说话声音低沉,听上去比实际年龄大。His humour lies in the disrelation of remarks to his age.他的幽默在于他的话同自己年龄的不相称。




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