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词汇 chemist
例句 He had to go back to the chemist's to collect his prescription.他不得不回药店去拿他的处方药。If you ever get any ailments there's no problem as he is like a walking chemist's shop.如果你有了什么病痛,不用着急,他就是个药铺子。I've had all kinds of medicines from the chemist, but nothing seems to make me any better.药剂师给我配了各种各样的药,我都吃了,可病情似乎一点也没有好转。The use of chemical fertilizers has turned the farmer into a cross between an industrial chemist and a mechanic.化学肥料的使用把农民变成了工业化学家和机械工。You will have to take your prescription to a chemist.你得把处方拿到药剂师那里。She worked as a research chemist.她是一名化学研究员。You used to buy them from the chemist.你过去经常在药店买这些东西。I'll get the chemist to make this prescription up for you.我要让药剂师给你开药方。She went into a chemist's and bought some aspirin.她进了一家药店,买了些阿司匹林。There are many creams available from the chemist which should clear the infection.很多能够消除这种感染的药膏在药店就能买到。After graduation she worked as a research chemist.毕业后她做了一名化学研究员。The chemist has won worldwide recognition.那位化学家赢得举世公认。You get it from the chemist.你可以从药房买到。We used to have a few small shops, like a butcher and a chemist.我们以前有些小店面,有肉铺,有药房。I've just got to go to the chemist's.我刚好得去趟药房。




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