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词汇 干道
例句 We branched off from the main road and turned down a country lane.我们离开干道,转入一条乡村小路。We'd better stick to the main road, because the other roads are blocked with snow.我们最好沿着干道走,因为其他的路都被雪封住了。You should follow the main highway until you see signs for the stadium.你应该沿着公路干道走,直到看见体育场的标志。The county expropriated the land to widen the old main road.该县征用土地用以拓宽旧的干道Lanes branch off the main road, leading to the coast.小路从干道上分出来,通往海岸。We made a pit stop for some food before getting back on the highway.我们短暂休息用餐后重返干道公路。I had heard there was a traffic jam on the highway, so I took the side roads.我听说干道堵车,所以就改走支线。Put on a helmet, fire up your engine and head out on the open road.戴上头盔,发动引擎,开上乡村干道Small towns bead the major roadway.干道的两侧,小镇星罗棋布。Webb turned off the main road and drove round to the car park.韦布驶离干道,驱车拐入停车场。The army has set up checkpoints on all the major roads in the area.军队已在该地区所有干道上设置了检查站。There is a parkway running through the middle of the town.小镇的中央有一条风景区干道




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