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词汇 干脆
例句 Her reply was crisp and unemotional.她的回答很干脆,不带丝毫感情。He just clams up if you ask him about his childhood.要是你问起他的童年,他就干脆不说话了。Just relax and go with the flow!干脆放松下来,随大溜吧!When she brought up the same old argument, I just stopped listening.当她又争论起这个老生常谈的问题时,我干脆不听了。The rawness of his greed was frank and uninhibited.他的贪婪是赤裸裸的,干脆直接,毫不掩饰。Having missed his train, he decided to make the best of a bad job by having a leisurely meal.没能赶上火车,他决定干脆悠闲地吃上一顿饭。The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.军队打算占领该城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。People just dump their refuse in the street.人们干脆把垃圾倒在街上。Since we're going out to dinner anyway, let's make an evening of it and go to a movie afterward.反正我们要出去吃晚饭,干脆我们就开心一晚上,吃完后再去看场电影吧。He took the easy way out and paid someone to write the article for him.他只求方便,干脆雇人代笔写文章。If you don't like the assignments, just don't do them, but don't scamp them.如果你不喜欢分配给你的任务,干脆不要做,而不要草率从事。Buy a dimmer switch and keep the light on low, or switch it off altogether.买一个调光开关,把灯光调暗,或者干脆把灯关掉。The army intends to take the city or simply starve it into submission.军队打算攻占这座城市或干脆截断其粮食补给迫使其投降。When the price of skiing doubled, tourists voted with their feet and just stopped going.当滑雪的价格翻番的时候,游客们都不愿接受,所以干脆就不去了。There were so many petty rules and regulations that some companies stopped trying to export their products.琐碎的规章制度那么多,有些公司干脆就不去出口自己的产品了。He was a bluff no-nonsense administrator.他是一个干脆豪爽的主管。The undertipped taxi-driver returned his passenger's gratuity.那出租汽车司机嫌小费太少,干脆把钱还给了乘客。Go ahead and flunk me out.干脆开除我得了。They decided to just pretend it never happened.他们决定干脆假装此事从未发生过。Some evenings he did not get home at all.有时晚上他干脆就不回家。Most of what he says is such garbage that I just tune him out.他讲的全是废话,所以我干脆不去理睬。Some displayed their wares on stalls, while others had just spread them out on the pavement.有的人把货物摆放在货摊上,有的人干脆就铺开摊在人行道上。She answered him in a brisk, matter-of-fact tone.她以干脆而不带感情的语气回答了他。I thought about working part-time, or quitting altogether.我想过从事兼职工作,或干脆什么也不干了。I got so fed up with waiting for him to do it that I just went ahead and did it myself.我等他等得实在不耐烦了,所以就干脆自己动手把事做完了。There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.安德鲁狠狠掴了他一巴掌,声音响亮干脆Without more ado she signed.她很干脆地签了字。My watch kept going slow; now it won't go at all.我的表一直慢,现在干脆不走了。If I thought I could get away with it, I wouldn't pay my taxes at all.如果我认为逃税可以不受处罚的话,我就干脆一分钱都不交了。The window sashes were missing, the doors hung open, or were gone altogether.窗框都不见了,门都敞开着,或者干脆说压根就没有门了。The powers that be, in this case the independent Television Association, banned the advertisement altogether.掌权的,在这件事中即独立的电视协会,干脆禁播了那则电视广告。Parker's solo on "A Night in Tunisia" was so amazing that the pianist backing him simply stopped playing.帕克的独奏《突尼斯之夜》实在是太精彩了,以至于为他伴奏的钢琴手干脆停了下来。They said Mr Jenkins should make balanced programmes about the Black community or move over and let someone else who can.他们说,詹金斯先生应该针对黑人社区制订协调计划,或干脆离职,把位置让给能谋此政的人。His letters became infrequent, then stopped completely.他的信来得少了,之后干脆彻底不来了。Use a template or stencil or simply do it freehand.使用样板或模版,或者干脆徒手画。Her response was simply to evade the problem altogether.她的回答就是干脆回避了整个问题。I just buckled down and got on with playing.干脆静下心来继续玩。The trick is somewhat dangerous, so if you can't be bothered to do it right, then don't even attempt it.这个戏法有些危险,所以如果你不愿意按正确步骤做,干脆就别试了。Break the news gently to him. Better yet, just don't mention it.把消息和缓地透露给他。要不,干脆只字不提更好。At last she stopped searching for words and let silence be.她终于不再无话找话,干脆一声不吭算了。




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