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词汇 干燥
例句 In dry weather, static electricity can cause clothes to cling.天气干燥时,静电会使衣服黏附。Vegetables should be stored in a cool dry place.蔬菜要存放在凉爽干燥的地方。Eastern areas should stay dry tomorrow.东部地区明天将仍然干燥Store in a cool, dry place.存放于凉爽干燥的地方。Spread breadcrumbs on a dry baking sheet and crisp them in the oven.把面包屑撒在干燥的烤盘上,然后放在烤箱里烤脆。Dry twigs are good to start a fire with.干燥的细树枝用来生火很好。Keep the wound clean and dry to prevent the growth of bacteria.保持伤口清洁干燥,防止细菌感染。Good drainage doesn't mean dry soil.良好的排水性并不意味着土壤干燥The air is usually dry during the winter. 冬天的空气通常是干燥的。That year it was a hot, dry summer.去年夏天又热又干燥Tomorrow will be mostly dry.明天大部分时间天气都会很干燥The flowers died during a dry/cold spell. 这些花在干燥/寒冷的时期死掉了。The walls flaked from dehydration.墙壁由于干燥而剥落。The day will start bright and mainly dry.早上将会天气晴朗,空气大体上干燥The dry rocky soil is suitable for planting vines.干燥多岩石的土壤适合种植葡萄。My throat is dry.我的喉咙干燥If your skin is parched and flaky, moisturize it with balms and creams.如果你的皮肤干燥脱皮,用香油膏和面霜滋润它。Use a humidifier in heated rooms to prevent dry air irritating your throat.在开暖气的房间里可用加湿器,防止吸入干燥空气造成喉咙不适。Sweaters must be dried away from direct heat.毛衣不能直接加热干燥Dryness of the skin can also be caused by living in centrally heated homes and offices.长期呆在有中央供暖系统的住宅和办公室里也会引起皮肤干燥The lotion softens dry skin.这种润肤露滋润干燥的皮肤。The dry weather had an adverse effect on the potato crops.天气干燥对土豆生长不利。Most herbs grow fairly well in dry, poor soil.多数草本植物在干燥、贫瘠的土壤里也能长得很好。There is a progression of habitats from dry meadows through marshes to open water.栖息地是一系列的,从干燥的草地到沼泽地,再到开阔的水面。Cricket bats should be oiled to stop the wood drying out and cracking.板球拍应该上油以防止木头干燥开裂。There has been a long spell of dry weather.干燥的天气持续了很长一段时间。Southern areas should stay dry until the early evening.傍晚之前,南部地区天气仍干燥His skin was dry and scaly.他的皮肤干燥而且脱皮。My skin felt waxy and I wanted to bathe.我的皮肤感觉干燥,我想要洗澡。Millions of years ago, Idaho was not dry. Rather, it was warm and damp.在几百万年以前,爱达荷州并不干燥。相反,那时这里非常温暖湿润。This cream moisturizes dry skin.这种润肤霜能为干燥皮肤补充水分。That state has a dry climate in winter.该州冬天气候干燥As we journeyed south, the landscape became drier and rockier.我们向南旅行时,土地越来越干燥,岩石越来越多。The dry weather will continue for several days干燥的天气将持续几天。He licked his lips to moisten his parched mouth.他舔了舔双唇,以便润湿干燥的嘴。The settlers irrigated the arid land.移民们灌溉干燥的土地。The weather tomorrow will be sunny and dry.明天天气是阳光充足而干燥It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week.上星期刚下过雨,天气却出奇地干燥This can cause extreme dryness, irritation and itchiness.这会导致极度干燥、疼痛及发痒。Many herbs grow naturally in poor dry soils.很多药草天然生长于贫瘠干燥的土壤中。




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