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词汇 chemical
例句 The pupils dilate in response to chemical stimuli.瞳孔放大是对化学刺激的反应。Each material has its own unique chemical signature.每种材料都有其独特的化学性质。A lot of chemical reactions are reversible.很多化学反应都是可逆的。They studied the compound's chemical structure/composition/properties.他们研究了这种化合物的化学结构/成分/特性。The alarm substances are only part of the ant's chemical vocabulary.报警物质只是蚂蚁化学语汇中的一部分。Once hay has been cut and baled, it has to go through some chemical processes.干草一经割下并打成大捆,就要经过一些化学工序处理。The chemical causes eye, nose and throat irritations.这种化学物质会引起眼睛、鼻子和喉咙发炎。Its precise chemical properties are unknown.其确切的化学特性未知。He has chemical sensitivities. 他对某些药物过敏。Metabolic disorders arise from a variety of genetic defects involving chemical pathways within cells.代谢疾病的产生源自体内涉及化学通路的基因的缺陷。Any chemical treatment will leave hair less resilient than before.任何化学剂的使用都会使头发变得比以前缺乏弹性。Sodium chloride is the chemical name for common salt.氯化钠是食盐的化学名称。The point of the experiment is to show how this chemical reacts with water.实验的目的是要显示这种化学物质如何与水发生反应。Pressure causes the chemical to vaporize.加压可以使这种化学物质汽化。This chemical resolves when distilled at a high temperature.这种化学品在高温下蒸馏就会分解。I am unfriendly to the whole idea of psychedelia and the very notion of a chemical paradise seems absurd.我对同迷幻世界有关的一切都反感,这种用化学药物来创造天堂的想法本身就显得荒诞不经。We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical, and conventional arms.我们必须控制核武器、化学武器和常规武器来降低战争的危害。The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons.两位领导人还同意签署削减化学武器储备的几项条约。The chemical refinery explosion was an environmental disaster.化学炼油厂的爆炸是一场环境灾难。Some of the companies illegally sent the wherewithal for making chemical weapons.有些公司非法为制造化学武器提供所需的资金和设备等。Scientists have produced a new chemical compound.科学家制造了一种新的化合物。A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。The chemical has never been federally approved as a pesticide.联邦政府从未批准将这种化学物质用作杀虫剂。The illness is triggered by a chemical imbalance in the brain.这种疾病是大脑化学物质失衡诱发的。Does the chemical factory exhaust into the river?化工厂的废液是排入这条河的吗?A chemical has been discovered that may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinson's disease.已发现一种化学物质,这可能是解开帕金森氏病之谜的钥匙。A huge row has developed about the pollution emanating from a chemical plant.一家化工厂造成的污染已经引发了激烈争论。The chemical passes from a liquid to a solid state during the cooling process.这种化学物质在冷却过程中由液态转化为固态。The chemical will retard the spread of fire.这种化学品会减缓火势蔓延。Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.这样的战争可能导致使用生化武器。What is the molecular constitution of the chemical?这种化学品的分子结构是什么?These carpets don't stain because they're impregnated with a special chemical.这类地毯不容易弄脏,因为是用特殊化学品浸渍过的。She studied mechanical/civil/chemical engineering.她学习机械/土木/化学工程。Use a chemical which is sensitive to light.使用对光敏感的化学品。The chemical reaction solidifies the resin.化学反应使树脂凝固变硬。The chemical induced a retardation of cell growth.这种化学品抑制细胞生长。You will need a special chemical to neutralize the acid.你需要一种特殊的化学物质来中和这种酸。When acid is present, the chemical in the test tube turns red.存在酸的话,试管内的化学物就会变成红色。I am not familiar with chemical terms.我不熟悉化学术语。The chemical is directly responsible for those deaths.这种化学物质直接导致了那些人的死亡。




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