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例句 The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds.常规液体里分子之间的键合力相对较弱。The hospital carried out some routine tests.医院做了一些常规检查。The High Court of Parliament began very correctly with a prayer for the Queen.议会最高法院按照常规,开庭前先为女王祈祷。The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas.船在主要港口停靠以装载其常规货物香蕉。The authorities had agreed to waive normal requirements for permits to cross the border.当局已经同意免除跨境所需办理的常规手续。Many of society's normal rules go by the board.很多社会常规被置于不顾。His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces.他最后的一项改革是把常规军和预备役部队合为一体。Fundamentally, it was a conventional bomber, but it had a number of interesting innovations.从根本上说,那是一架常规轰炸机,但是有许多有意思的创新。In the study, patients were taken off their usual medications.在这项研究中,病人不再服用他们的常规药物。The stock market reversed course and closed with a modest gain.股市一改常规,以小幅上涨收盘。His visit disturbed our morning routine.他的造访打乱了我们早上的常规程序。The new design is a departure from the norm.新的设计打破了常规It seems to be almost a regular occurrence in life.看来这几乎已成为生活中的常规Constant injury problems had made it tough for him to hold down a regular first team place.持续伤病使得他很难保住在球队的常规主力位置。When and where is a tuxedo de rigueur?按照礼节常规,何时何地须穿无尾夜礼服? Hill wilfully ignored the conventions of the banking world.希尔佯装对银行界的常规不管不顾。We combine orthodox treatment with a wide range of complementary therapies.我们把常规治疗和一系列补充疗法相结合。He was unaccustomed to the routine of his new job.他对新工作的常规程序不熟悉。It's now routine for air passengers to undergo body searches.搭乘飞机的乘客接受安检现在已经成为常规They recognize the limits of their conventional strategies.他们认识到他们那些常规战略的局限性。Taylor announced another departure from practice in that England will train at Wembley.泰勒再次一改常规地宣布英格兰队将在温布利球场进行训练。This vaccine is already routinely used.这种疫苗已经作为常规使用。Some have regular clinics staffed by nursing officers.一些设有配备护理军官的常规诊所。I'm undergoing regular physiotherapy for a back problem.我因为背伤正在接受常规理疗。He agreed to waive his usual fee.他同意免除他的常规收费。Your midwife will give you a routine examination.助产士会给你做一个常规检查。Such initiatives remain the exception, rather than the rule.这些倡议依然是例外,而不是常规They shot well from the field but they missed too many free throws.他们场上常规投篮很好,但却有太多的罚球不中。Stress is the everyday order of life.紧张成了生活中日复一日的常规It took me a week to settle into a routine.我花了一星期时间适应常规All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention.所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。Weekly attendance at a religious service was the norm.每周参加一次宗教仪式是常规Some believe that once synthetic motor oil is used in a vehicle, you cannot switch back to conventional motor oil.有些人认为,一旦给车用了合成机油,就不能再换回常规机油了。You should check all your work as a matter of course.你应该按照常规检查一下你所有的工作。Her political career followed the usual route of local and then national government.她的政治生涯按照常规途径,先是地方政府,再到中央政府。Their approach to sports teaching broke the mould.他们的体育教学方法打破了常规They're soaking their customers by charging high fees for routine services.他们让顾客为常规服务支付高额费用。Safety precautions are observed as a matter of course.安全防范措施作为常规检查进行。If you get out of a routine, it's very hard to get back into it.如果你打破了一种常规,就很难再恢复。The problem was discovered during routine monitoring.这个问题是在常规监测中发现的。




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