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词汇 常人
例句 It was more than flesh and blood can bear.这不是常人所能忍受的。Her novels are full of off-kilter characters in odd situations.她的小说里都是一些处境奇特、异于常人的角色。She remained maddeningly fair- minded, even about her greatest opponents.她一直保持常人难以理解的公正态度,即使对宿仇大敌也是如此。They're just ordinary people with all the usual hang-ups about love.他们只是普通人,也和常人一样为情苦恼。Even a sage is humanly liable to make mistakes.即使圣人也会和常人一样犯错误。He's got a real doozy of a mustache.他的小胡子真是异于常人It is a heavy burden for one person to bear.它是常人难以承受的代价。They were obviously of the opinion that his taste was not quite the thing.他们显然认为他的品位有点儿异于常人A mother is not allowed to be humanly flawed; she has to be perfect.作为母亲不容许有常人的缺点,她必须十全十美。He is independently wealthy and lives an unconventional lifestyle.他富有且独立,生活方式异于常人




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