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词汇 带你去
例句 Who's taking you to Homecoming? = Who's taking you to the Homecoming dance?谁会带你去参加校友节舞会?After a stop for lunch you will be taken to the famous Keukenhof Flower Gardens where you can spend the afternoon at leisure.停下来吃过午饭后将带你去有名的库肯霍夫花园,在那儿你可以悠闲地度过整个下午。When it stops raining, I'll show you the garden.雨一停,我就带你去看花园。I'll take you to all the places I loved as a girl.我会带你去我还是个小女孩时爱去的每一个地方。Let me show you to my study.带你去我的书房。I'll show you to your room. Ours is next door.带你去你的房间,我们的房间在你的隔壁。I'm sorry we can't take you with us, but I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.很抱歉我们不能带你去,但我保证以后设法补偿你。Her office is down that hallway. I can take you there, if you want me to.沿着那条走廊过去就是她的办公室。如果你愿意,我可以带你去Let me show you to your room.我来带你去你的房间。Carol will guide you round the museum.卡萝尔会带你去博物馆看一看。I want to take you to see some of the edgy galleries that just opened in our community.我想带你去看看社区里新开的一些前卫的画廊。I'm going to take you somewhere else.我要带你去别处。I can take you there - it's really no bother.我可以带你去——一点都不麻烦。If I take you there, do you think you'll be able to find your own way back?如果我带你去那里,你觉得你自己能找到回来的路吗?"I won't have time to take you shopping this afternoon." "But you promised!"“今天下午我没时间带你去购物了。”“但你答应过的!”I'll have Hudson show you to your room.我会让赫德森带你去你的房间。I'll show you the way.带你去I'll take you anywhere you want to go.我会带你去任何你想去的地方。Either bus will take you there.两辆公共汽车中任何一辆都能带你去那里。If you're a good boy at the doctor's, I'll take you swimming afterwards.看医生的时候你要是听话,看完病我就带你去游泳。Let me take you to dinner. My treat.带你去吃晚饭吧,我请客。My man will show you to your room.仆人会带你去你的房间。My orders are to take you to the airport and put you on the first plane to Paris.我接到的命令是带你去机场,并让你乘上飞往巴黎的第一班飞机。Let me take you away for a few days in the countryside.带你去乡下住几天吧。This bus takes you downtown.这趟公共汽车可以带你去市中心。




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