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词汇 希特勒
例句 The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil's horns and tail.海报漫画中的希特勒长着魔鬼的犄角和尾巴。In the final analysis Stalin was just as much a dictator as Hitler.归根结底,他和希特勒一样是个独裁者。He was considered a war criminal who merely followed Adolf Hitler.他被视为一个盲目追随阿道夫·希特勒的战犯。Hitler's megalomania was rightly seen as Germany's undoing.希特勒对权力的极度渴望无疑被认为是德国的祸根。Europe once writhed under Hitler's heel.欧洲曾一度在希特勒的铁蹄下遭受苦难。This revulsion against war underpinned attempts at conciliating Hitler in Europe.在欧洲,这种强烈的反战情绪从根本上安抚了希特勒的战争欲。He employed such Procrustean methods that modern historians have even likened him to Adolf Hitler.他使用了如此残忍的强迫方法,以致现代史学家甚至把他比作阿道夫·希特勒Hitler turned on his erstwhile ally Stalin.希特勒转而向他以前的同盟斯大林发动进攻。Hitler managed to enlist the support of millions of accomplices.希特勒设法赢得了数百万同谋的支持。Hitler, Mussolini, Franco: all prime examples of men hungry for power.希特勒、墨索里尼、佛朗哥,他们都是最典型的嗜权的男人。Hitler was responsible for the death of millions.希特勒应对屠杀千百万人的惨剧负责。With the elections safely behind him, Hitler began to show his true colours.安然渡过选举阶段后,希特勒开始暴露真面目。Hitler was determined to annex Austria to Germany.希特勒决定将奥地利并入德国。Hitler took Paris by storm.希特勒迅速攻占巴黎。Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Poland between them.希特勒和斯大林协议瓜分波兰。Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin.当苏联军队逼近柏林的时候,希特勒自杀了。Hitler thought that by the ceaseless bombings over England, he would bring the English to terms, but he was mistaken.希特勒想用连续不断的轰炸使英国人就范,但他打错主意了。Amery opposed Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler and joined Churchill in abstaining on the Munich division.埃默里反对张伯伦对希特勒的绥靖政策,和丘吉尔一起在慕尼黑争论上投了弃权票。It's frightening that someone like Adolf Hitler could come to power in a democratic election.令人不安的是,像阿道夫·希特勒那样的人有可能在民主选举中上台。In the room there was a sense of Hitler's doom having been sealed.在房间里,人人都觉得希特勒已经劫数难逃。Nostradamus is said to have foretold the rise of Hitler.据说诺查丹玛斯曾预言希特勒会崛起。Hitler had aimed at domination while lulling his neighbours with talk of peace and limited aims.希特勒打着和平谈判和所图不多的旗号麻痹邻国,却一心想着称霸。Chamberlain should never have tried to appease Hitler.张伯伦根本不应该试图绥靖希特勒Hitler wanted to beat Roosevelt to the draw with his declaration of war.希特勒想赶在罗斯福的前面宣战。Adolf Hitler worked as a house painter in Austria before becoming involved in politics.阿道夫·希特勒涉足政界前在奥地利当房屋油漆匠。Hitler had a high nuisance value to France and England.希特勒到处捣乱,反倒引起了法国和英国的同仇敌忾。




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