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词汇 市政府
例句 The city council will presumably sit on the report until after the election.市政府大概在选举前不想公布这份报告的内容。The city underestimated the cost of the new building.市政府低估了建造新楼所需的费用。The mayor was elected on a promise to cleanse the city government of corruption.市长当选时许诺要清除市政府的腐败行为。The city pushed ahead/forward with its plans to build a casino.市政府坚定地推行建赌场的计划。Our application was initially refused, but the city relented in the end and the permit was issued.我们的申请一开始被拒,但市政府最终同意并发放了许可证。This is an issue that should be decided by local and metropolitan government.这个问题应该由当地及大都市政府共同解决。My father works for the city.我父亲为市政府工作。The residents of the neighborhood tussled with city hall for years about the broken parking meters.多年来,这一街区的居民与市政府就损毁的停车计费器问题争辩不休。The newspaper published a series of articles exposing graft in the city government.报纸刊登了一系列文章,揭露市政府的贪污受贿行为。The recycling program simply hasn't been a high priority at City Hall.循环利用计划根本就没有成为市政府最优先考虑的事。Angry taxpayers laid siege to city hall with letters and phone calls.愤怒的纳税人纷纷写信和打电话责问市政府The city can take possession of the abandoned buildings.市政府享有废弃建筑的所有权。The massive publicity dictated a response from the city government.广泛的报道迫使市政府作出反应。A mob was rioting against the municipal government.一群暴民闹事反对市政府The city authorities are trying to work out a practical solution to the problem of homelessness.市政府正在设法制定一个切实可行的办法,以解决无家可归者的问题。The city fathers decided to allow Ramsay to stay open.市政府高级官员决定允许拉姆齐继续营业。The city has plans to redevelop the neighborhood.市政府有重新开发这片居民区的规划。There have been allegations of fraud in the city government.市政府被指控有欺诈行为。The city government tried to hush things up when the mayor was arrested.当市长被捕时,市政府企图掩盖此事。There are rumors of widespread corruption in the city government.有传闻称市政府普遍存在腐败现象。The new mayor promised to redress corruption in City Hall.新市长许诺要消除市政府内的腐败。His uncle got him a cushy job in the city government.他叔叔帮他在市政府找了一份轻松的工作。The city is increasing subsidies for public transit.市政府正在提高公共交通补贴。The city has a ten-year plan for fixing the city's roads.市政府为修建市内道路制订了十年规划。The city government has been heavily criticized for its denial of the seriousness of the situation.市政府因否认局势的严重性而受到了强烈谴责。The state has a stranglehold on the city's finances.州政府扼制了市政府的财力。The city has temporarily lifted its ban on smoking in bars.市政府临时撤销了不得在酒吧吸烟的禁令。Our city authorities are resolved that the new school will be built within six months.我市市政府决心要在六个月内建成那所新学校。It is an absolute/utter disgrace that the city has ignored the problem for so long.市政府对这个问题忽略了那么长时间,绝对/完全是耻辱。The city has plans to redevelop.市政府有改建的规划。The commerce Department has for many years been a stepchild of the city government.多年以来商业局一直不受市政府的重视。You will have to apply to City Hall for a building permit.你必须向市政府申请建筑许可证。He is involved in litigation against the city.他参与了对市政府的诉讼。The city assumes greater financial risk with that plan.市政府采用这个计划会承担更大的财政风险。The city wanted local control of education.市政府想获得教育的地方控制权。It's the city's responsibility to maintain the pavements.维护人行道是市政府的责任。From now on, homeowners will have to get a city permit if they want to build an addition onto their homes.自即日起,房主如要扩建房屋,须得到市政府发出的许可证。It's disgraceful that the city has ignored the problem for so long.可耻的是,市政府对这个问题忽略了那么长时间。The city should do more to encourage patronage of local businesses.市政府应该采取更多措施来鼓励购买地方企业产品。The city authorities complained that low-flying aircraft were endangering public safety.市政府不满低空飞行的飞机危及公众安全。




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