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词汇 巴不得
例句 He seems to relish the prospect of a battle over the issue.看来,他正巴不得就这个问题与人论战一场。He couldn't wait to have Beth all to himself.巴不得马上就和贝思单独在一起。Far rather would she that he were dead.她实在巴不得他死掉。She clearly relished the prospect of breaking the news to them.她显然正巴不得要把这条消息透露给他们。Danny looked almost glad to be going.丹尼看起来几乎是巴不得要离开。If you don't want the job, there's no end of people willing to take your place.如果你不想做这份工作了,不知会有多少人巴不得要顶替你的位置呢。The kids are raring to get to work on the tree house.孩子们巴不得马上动手盖树屋。She's just itching to tell you about her new boyfriend.她就是巴不得想跟你说自己的新男友。She couldn't wait to quit her job and get married.巴不得辞职结婚去。




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