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Abramov did not live a chaste life.阿布拉莫夫生活不检点。She led a chaste, decent life.她过着贞洁、体面的生活。Nick laughed and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead.尼克笑了,在她额头上留下了纯洁的一吻。He remained chaste.他保持童贞之身。I like the simple, chaste lines of their architecture.我喜欢他们线条简洁朴实的建筑。The magazine caters for every taste, from raunchy to purely chaste.这本杂志迎合了从色情到纯情的不同品味。Comparatively speaking, I like chaste poetry better.相比较而言,我更喜欢朴实无华的诗。I love to mix with people chaste in mind.我喜欢与思想纯洁的人来往。She was a holy woman, innocent and chaste.她是个虔诚的女子,贞节无瑕。She enjoys chaste discourse.她喜欢高雅的交谈。He did not live a chaste life.他生活不检点。In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage.在过去,只有童贞未破的女子才有可能嫁得好。She was sexually not so much chaste as prudish.在两性关系方面她并不贞洁,只不过是表面正经而已。 |