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词汇 崩塌
例句 The city's ramparts crumbled long ago.这座城市的城墙很久以前就崩塌了。Stuff is breaking loose, like rock from an eroding cliff.一切都分崩离析,就像是岩石从受到侵蚀的山崖上崩塌The collapse of old certainties is reshaping the political parties.陈规旧矩的崩塌正在重塑各个政党。All these helped to crack the edifice of confidence and trust.这一切促使信心和信任的大厦崩塌The path had been blocked by a rock fall.道路被崩塌的岩石挡住了。The cliff face was starting to crumble into the sea.悬崖表面开始崩塌,碎石坠入大海。The old stonework was crumbling away.这座老石头房子开始崩塌His retail empire has collapsed.他的零售帝国崩塌了。The dam broke and an impetuous torrent of water swept away the town.堤坝崩塌了,奔腾的急流冲垮了镇子。The water displaced by the landslides created a tidal wave.崩塌排出的水形成一股大浪。Their ideal society collapsed around them.他们所处的理想社会崩塌了。




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