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词汇 山里
例句 You'll need strong walking boots in the mountains, if you don't want to sprain an ankle.山里行走,如果不想扭伤脚踝的话,就需要一双结实的轻便靴。I took a wrong turn and we got lost in the mountains.我拐错了一个弯,然后我们就在山里迷路了。I heard dogs barking distantly in the hills.我听见了远处山里的狗吠声。Villagers hid in the hills as the troops advanced.军队前进时,村民们躲在山里There are pockets of ore in the mountain.那座山里有好几块矿藏。I remember picking wild daffodils in the mountains.我记得在山里摘野水仙。That night I camped in the hills.那天晚上我在山里宿营。We're thinking of taking a trip to the mountains.我们正考虑去山里一游。After a week in the mountains all I wanted to do was get back to civilization.山里呆了一个星期,我唯一想做的就是回到文明社会中。It was considerably colder in the mountains.山里冷得多。They were attacked by bandits in the mountains.他们在山里受到了强盗的袭击。He loved walking in the hills.他喜欢在山里散步。The battle was fought in the mountains.这一仗是在山里打的。There are streaks of ore in the mountain.这座山里有矿脉。The mountains were infested with robbers.山里有大批盗贼出没。Specially equipped troops are operating in the hills.特种装备部队正在山里进行军事行动。Ellen spent the day in the hills and sought me out when she returned.埃伦在山里呆了一整天,并于回来后找到了我。A film cameraman was airlifted to safety yesterday after being trapped inside a volcano for two days.一名电影摄影师在火山里被困了两天之后,已于昨天由飞机运送到一个安全的地方。The king built a large hunting lodge in the mountains.国王在山里兴建了一座巨大的狩猎屋。She gulped in the fresh mountain air.她大口呼吸山里的新鲜空气。Torrents of water came rushing down from the mountains.洪水从山里倾泻下来。The road dead-ended halfway up the mountain.这条路在通往山里的半路上断了。The pictures were tucked away in a wartime hideout in the mountains.这些绘画被隐藏在山里的一个战时秘密仓库。A father and son have disappeared without trace while on a walking expedition in the mountains.一对父子在山里远足探险时失踪了,下落不明。We've received actionable information that the men are hiding in these mountains.我们收到可靠情报,称那伙人就藏在这些大山里Life in the mountains hardened me.山里的生活使我坚强起来。Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains.数千人已经离开完全被毁的村庄,逃进了山里After a long day walking across the hills they had worked up quite an appetite.他们在山里走了一整天,食欲大增。Even after the country was defeated, partisans fought the invaders in the hills.即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。The villagers headed for the mountains to escape the invading army.村民们逃往山里躲避侵略军。We went snowshoeing in the mountains.我们在山里踏雪。The factory came under assault from soldiers in the mountains.工厂遭到山里士兵的袭击。Back in Spain, we used to spend summer in the mountains.过去在西班牙,我们常常在山里过夏天。Some of the hotels in the mountains are pretty basic.山里的有些旅馆只有很基本的设施。He doubted there were any cannibal tribes living in the hills.他不相信山里住着食人部落。In those impregnable mountains, the guerrillas could hold out for years.在那些易守难攻的大山里,游击队可以坚持很多年。My family and I went camping in the mountains with some old friends of ours.我和家人同我们的一些老朋友一起去山里露营。Fearing arrest, they took flight and hid in the mountains.因害怕被捕,他们逃走并躲在山里They went walking and climbing in the mountains.他们在山里行走攀爬。You can take the back roads through the mountains and then rejoin the motorway later.你可以选择走山里的小路,然后再回到高速公路上去。




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