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词汇 山谷
例句 From the house we can see the valley and the mountains beyond it.从这座房子我们可以看到山谷山谷对面的山峦。The train journey took us through a valley past rolling hills.我们乘坐火车沿一条山谷穿过绵延起伏的山峦。There is no cell phone coverage in this valley. 这个山谷无手机信号覆盖。This valley was lumbered hard during the past decade.在过去十年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。The house has expansive views of the valley.在这座房子里可以看到山谷的辽阔景色。The valley was blanketed with snow.山谷中覆盖著如毯的白雪。The sun hung low over the misted valley.太阳低悬在薄雾笼罩的山谷之上。Toward dawn we found ourselves in a large valley.快天亮时,我们走进了一个大的山谷I ran straight up to Columbia County, then turned East, came down the Harlem Valley and thence home.我一直跑到哥伦比亚县,然后向东转,沿着哈勒姆山谷,从那里回到家。A full moon rose over the valley.一轮圆月在山谷的上空升起。Mist arose from the valley.雾气从山谷中升起来。In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.春天,山谷里五彩缤纷。We had to wade the river Genal and then climb out of the valley to get to Juzcar.我们必须蹚过赫纳尔河,爬出山谷,才能到达朱斯卡。The rains came and flooded the valley.暴雨时节来临,雨水淹没了山谷The house on the hill overlooks the valley.小山上的房子俯瞰著山谷Moonlight illuminated the valley.月光照亮了山谷It was a narrow valley with steep sides.那处山谷两侧山势陡峭。They went galloping down the valley into a vortex of dust.他们策马驰下山谷,卷起一阵尘土。A slight wind rippled the crops in the valley.一阵微风吹过,山谷里的庄稼便随风起伏。His shout echoed across the valley.他的喊声在山谷回荡。The goats prefer to find a breezy vantage point high on the hill where they can observe the comings and goings in the valley.山羊喜欢在山坡上找一处微风习习的制高点,观察山谷中的风吹草动。The snow melting on the mountains caused a run of water into the valley.山上的融雪使水涌入山谷The village lies in a valley.村庄位于一个山谷里。The yawning valley was gulfed in blackness.豁开的山谷被黑暗吞没了。We could see the valley below us as we came over the rise.翻过这个小山丘时我们可以看见脚下的山谷The town lies in a small wooded valley.该镇坐落于一个林木茂盛的山谷中。Because the town sits in a valley, air pollution is not easily dispersed.因为小镇坐落在山谷中,空气污染不太容易散去。The interior flatlands and valleys are thickly planted with coconuts.内陆的平地和山谷中种着茂密的椰子树。The river winds through the valley.这条河在山谷中蜿蜒流淌。The hollow cuts into a low hill on the gently rolling prairie.延绵起伏的大草原上,这条山谷横穿一座小山丘。The valley was soon embraced in an inky darkness.山谷很快就笼罩在了漆黑的夜色中。Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man.从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现出人形轮廓。A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side.一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进山谷,又从山谷的那一边向上延伸。Steep rocks sided the valley.山谷两侧是满目陡峭的岩石。The hills above the valley are bare rock.山谷上面的小山都是光秃秃的不毛之地。There was deadly silence in the valley.山谷里死一般的沉寂。From what I can gather, there has been fighting further down the valley.据我所知,山谷里一直进行着战斗。These Severn Valley woods have been exploited for timber since Saxon times.从撒克逊时代起就开始采伐塞文山谷的这些树林获取木料。The house occupies a commanding position at the top of the valley.这所房子位于山谷顶上一个居高临下的位置。From the house we can see the valley and the hills beyond.从这座房子我们可以看到山谷和远处的小山。




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