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例句 All members carry out their own particular functions.所有成员都有各自的职责要履行The stepparent or foster parent shall fulfill the duties for crime prevention.继父母、养父母应当履行预防犯罪方面的职责。You will be responsible for the efficient discharge of your duties.你有责任高效履行自己的职责。Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.还不能明确判断这位民主党挑战者将如何履行总统职务。The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise.州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。He vowed to faithfully discharge the duties/responsibilities of his office.他发誓要忠实履行岗位职责。Despite his family's opposition, Jake stood by his promise to marry her.尽管遭到家人反对,杰克还是履行了娶她为妻的诺言。The exercise of personal responsibility is encouraged.鼓励履行个人职责。We pray that both sides will continue to honour their commitment to the peace agreement.我们期盼双方继续履行对和平协定作出的承诺。He has promised to fulfill/honor/keep a campaign pledge to cut taxes.他保证要履行减税的竞选诺言。Eisenhower finally fulfilled his campaign pledge to end the war in Korea.艾森豪威尔最终履行了他的竞选诺言,结束了战争。They have fulfilled all their obligations under the treaty.他们已按照协议履行了全部义务。He claims that the company failed to honor the contract/warranty.他声称这家公司未能执行合约/履行保证。The new system deputizes the nurses to perform some of the doctors' duties.新体制授权护士履行医生的某些职责。He discharged his promise to work directly with the poor.履行了直接与穷人一起工作的诺言。They held us to our commitment.他们坚持要我们履行自己的保证。He failed completely in the performance of his duty.他完全没有履行他的职责。Voters demanded that the candidates keep the pledges made as a condition precedent to election.选民们要求把候选人对他们誓言的履行作为选举的先行条件。The company has not fulfilled certain contractual obligations.该公司没有履行合同规定的某些义务。All authority was vested in the woman, who discharged every kind of public duty.女性被赋予了所有权力,履行所有公共职责。A contract bond guarantees that the principal will fulfil all contractual obligations.契约保证书确保主债务人履行所有契约责任。I released him from his promise. 我同意他不用履行承诺了。He met his part of the bargain by giving us what we had asked for.他满足了我们的要求,履行了他那一方的协议规定。He could not properly discharge his duties.他无法正当履行他的职责。Following the example set by her father, she has done her duty.她以父亲为榜样,履行了自己的职责。It will be a full state visit with all the usual paraphernalia.这将是一个全面的国事访问,需履行一整套惯常的繁琐程序。I promise to carry out my duties to the best of my ability.我许诺就自己能力所及履行我的职责。People are wondering if they will ever see the fulfillment of the government's campaign pledges.民众不知道是否能看到政府履行竞选诺言。Every voter should exercise his option.每个投票人应履行自己的选择权。In the ROTC program, students fulfill a service commitment after college, in return for a scholarship from the Army or Navy.按后备军官训练队计划,学生大学毕业后要履行服役承诺,以换取陆军或海军提供的奖学金。We shall be obliged to hold you to your contract.我们将不得不迫使你方履行合约。The company has not fulfilled certain contractual obligations.这家公司没有履行部分合同义务。They thought that he should resume his kingly duties.他们认为他应该继续履行其国王的责任。The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire.双方同意履行一项新的停火协定。He will eat as soon as he has acquitted himself of his religious duties.宗教职责一履行完,他马上就会吃饭。He made good on his promise.履行了诺言。The trustees failed to discharge their duties properly.受托人未能切实地履行其职责。They have got into arrears with their overseas contracts.他们未能如期履行与外商所签合同。They always perform their duties faithfully.他们总是忠实地履行自己的职责。I signed a contract and I am obligated to fulfil it.我签了合同,就有义务履行




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