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词汇 屋外
例句 I flew out of the house to tear his eyes out.我冲到屋外去揍他。The murder weapon was found outside the house.杀人凶器在屋外找到了。We usually put the cat out at night.晚上我们通常把猫放在屋外Outdoors, it was perceptibly colder.屋外明显冷多了。Sometimes he would sneak out of the house late at night.有时他会在深夜悄悄溜到屋外去。It's scorching outside.屋外酷热难耐。Outside, the light was fading rapidly.屋外的天色很快就暗下来。Many people awaited outside the building.许多人在屋外等着。It's chilly in the house, even when it's sunny outside.即使屋外阳光明媚,屋里也很冷。、There was a dog barking outside the house.一条狗在屋外叫。I heard feet crunching over the gravel outside the house.我听到屋外的砂石路上传来嘎吱嘎吱的脚步声。Exterior drains must be kept clear.屋外的排水管道必须保持清洁。Outside, the storm continued to rage.屋外,暴风雨还在肆虐着。Outside the sharpness of the cold made him cough and brought tears to his eyes.屋外冷得刺骨,他又咳嗽又流泪。Two Egyptians were arguing outside the room, their voices loud and guttural.两个埃及人正在屋外扯着嗓门粗声粗气地争吵。As darkness fell outside, they sat down to eat at long tables.屋外夜幕降临,他们坐到长桌旁开始吃饭。Theirs is that little house with the big tree outside.他们的家是那栋屋外有棵大树的小屋。The washing machine flooded, my car broke down, then to top it all I locked myself out of the house.洗衣机淹水了,我的车出故障了,然而更糟的是我把自己锁在屋外了。My sense of time was mixed up, I didn't know how long I'd been out of the house.我的时间感搞乱了。我不知道自己在屋外待了多长时间。The scrawny little kitten looked so pitiful out in the rain.那只骨瘦如柴的小猫在屋外的雨中看起来很可怜。They heard a yap and ran out of the house.他们听见了一声狂吠就跑出了屋外The wind had whipped up and outside a light rain was falling.风越来越大,屋外下着小雨。Out in the garden the little boys grubbed up worms.小男孩们在屋外花园里挖虫子。She gave up trying to hush the baby and took him outside.她不再试图哄那婴儿静下来,而把他抱到屋外去了。The soldiers forced civilians out of houses to act as human shields.士兵强迫平民去屋外,充当人肉盾牌。Outside it was a cold wintry day, but Anne felt safe and warm inside by the fire.屋外一片寒冬景象,但安妮坐在火炉旁感到安全和温暖。Larry Blake, a father of three children, was shot dead outside his home last night.拉里·布莱克是三个孩子的父亲,昨晚在自己屋外被人开枪打死了。Outside, it was sun one minute and snow the next.屋外,一会儿出太阳,一会儿下雪。Hose the dog down outside.屋外用喷水软管把狗好好冲洗一下。That key will come in handy if you lock yourself out.要是你把自己锁在了屋外,那把钥匙就派上用场了。As we walked up the narrow staircases, we began to understand why the Dutch haul their furniture up the outside of the buildings and through the windows.走在狭窄的楼梯上,我们开始明白为什么荷兰人要把家具通过窗户从屋外吊进来。




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