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词汇 居然
例句 What angered me most was his total lack of remorse.最使我生气的是他居然一点悔意都没有。He arrived over an hour late for the meeting – I ask you!他开会居然迟到了一个多小时,你看看!Interestingly, two Republicans actually voted with the Democrats.有趣的是,两个共和党人居然投民主党的票。Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that one day I would run a marathon.我从来没有想过有一天我居然也能跑马拉松。Many have been surprised at the length of time it has taken him to make up his mind.居然花了那么长时间才拿定主意,许多人都对此感到吃惊。I'm amazed you've never heard of the Rolling Stones.真奇怪,你居然从未听说过滚石乐队。To her amazement, she got the job.令她诧异的是,她居然得到了这份工作。You're a menace to my privacy, Kenworthy.肯沃西,你这人真讨厌,居然侵犯我的隐私。I can't believe they gave the job to that guy. Some people/guys have all the luck. 我不敢相信他们居然把工作交给那家伙。有些人就是运气好。It is surprising that it has taken people so long to take advantage of what is a win-win opportunity.真奇怪,人们居然用了这么长时间才把握住一个万无一失的机会。The company has been telling lies for years, but local media has swallowed them whole.那家公司多年来一直在说谎,但当地的新闻界居然全盘相信了。There was no television at the cabin, so—horror of horrors!—we had to spend the evenings reading books and playing board games.船舱里居然没有电视!天哪!我们晚上只能看书和下棋了。She's getting ideas above her station even by thinking of marrying him.居然想高攀嫁给他。I'm surprised they don't catch their death of cold, walking around with bare midriffs in mid-winter.他们数九寒天穿着露腰装四处闲逛,我真奇怪他们居然不得重感冒。They strangely perceive television as entertainment.奇怪的是,他们居然将电视看作娱乐。I told them they wouldn't enjoy the trip but damned if they didn't come anyway.我对他们说了,这次旅行他们是不会喜欢的,可没想到他们居然来了。I can't believe the kids sat through the whole movie.我不敢相信孩子们居然熬到整部电影结束。I can't believe he lives there! It's such a hole!我无法相信他居然住在那里!那个地方脏乱无比!I'm surprised someone of your age didn't know that.我觉得奇怪,像你这个年龄的人,居然这也不知道。What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family.居然认识你的家人,真是太巧了。It's hard to believe that he's gone.真难以相信,他居然离开了。The coach is making the entire football team take, of all things, ballet classes.这个教练居然叫整个橄榄球队去上芭蕾舞课。The darn fool got lost on the way.这该死的笨蛋居然迷了路。I don't believe it: he turned me down flat!我真不敢相信,他居然直截了当地拒绝了我!I only entered the contest for a laugh, so I couldn't believe it when I won!我参加比赛只是为了好玩,所以不能相信我居然得奖了!The controls are a bit plasticky for a car of this price.这个价位的汽车,控制器居然有点像塑料,太劣质了。For reasons beyond my comprehension, I was embroiled in a defamation lawsuit.不知为什么,我居然卷入了一桩妨害名誉的官司。There was surprisingly little graphic violence in the film.该电影中居然几乎没有血腥的暴力场面,真令人惊奇。How such a stupid man ever got to be a politician, I just can't imagine.这么愚蠢的人居然成了政治家,我就是想不通。Her obliviousness of what was happening in Germany seems extraordinary.真没想到她对德国正在发生的事情居然一无所知。The thief must be as bold as brass to have carried out a robbery at mid-day.这窃贼居然在中午光天化日之下行劫,一定是胆大包天。To our amazement, the visiting team won.令我们感到惊讶的是,客队居然打赢了。I could hardly believe it when she actually apologized to me.居然向我道歉了,我简直难以相信。I can't believe the stuff teenagers talk about.我不敢相信青少年居然谈论这些事情。I think it was really unbelievable how he went on deceiving her for all those years.我觉得这实在难以置信,他居然骗了她那么多年。Maisie had always thought of herself as being uneducated and inarticulate, and was surprised that anyone should ask her opinion.梅茜一向认为自己没受过教育,而且不善言辞,因此她觉得很意外,居然有人会来征求她的意见。Derek was taken aback when a man answered the phone.德里克吓了一跳,居然是一个男的接的电话。It really gets me that such a foolish man has so much influence.使我真正感到气愤的是,这么笨的一个人居然还有如此大的影响力。In a surprise upset, the all-star team lost to one of the league's bottom feeders.出人意料的是,全明星队居然输给了联赛的无名小辈。Bob tried the door. To his surprise, it opened.鲍勃试着推了推门。使他吃惊的是,门居然开了。




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