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The office was rife with rumours.办公室里谣言层出不穷。This is a responsive class with plenty of ideas.这个班上课反应积极,想法层出不穷。He was brimming with ideas and excitement.他主意层出不穷跃跃欲试。New scientific discoveries are being made all the time.科学新发现一直层出不穷。No one knew exactly what he had done, but speculation ran rife.没有人确切知道他的所为,但是各种猜测层出不穷。Problems kept popping up.问题层出不穷。Computer courses continue to proliferate.计算机课程层出不穷。The century was in full flood of invention.这一世纪有层出不穷的创造发明。 |