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例句 Accha, that's good. Go ahead!啊,很好。就这么办吧!She's going through a difficult time. That's all there is to it.她正经历一个困难时期。就这么简单。Just my luck! The one vacation I take all year, and I have to get sick.我就是这样倒霉!一年就这么一次休假,我总要生病。Don't run away with the idea that this is the end of the matter!别以为这事就这么了结了!Their romance just fizzled out.他们的这段恋情就这么不了了之了。We can hardly just tell him what we jolly well think of him can we?.我们不能就这么直接地告诉他我们到底是怎么看他的,是吧?That would be heavenly, darling, do let's do it.那太好了,亲爱的,咱们就这么做吧。Just keep calm and do it. It's not brain surgery.保持镇静,就这么干就行了,这又不是大脑手术。Listen to us, if only this once.听我们的吧,哪怕就这么一次。She was jolly well not going to let them get away with it.她当然不能就这么放过他们了。I am sorry to appear without warning.对不起,我就这么事先不通知地来了。That's what we'll do when he gets here. But if he doesn't show up…well, that's a horse of a different color.他来,我们就这么干。但如果他不来,那就另当别论了。Are we going to sit around all night, or shall we go out?我们就这么整晚闲坐着,还是出去玩?It's unusually hot for this time of year. 今年这个时候就这么热,真不正常。You're not going out, and that's final!你不能出去,就这么定了!He just vanished and was never seen again.就这么消失了,再也没人见到过他。Just grinding on for hours gets dreary.就这么磨磨蹭蹭了几个小时,让人乏味无聊。The last ticket was sold a minute before I got there—just my luck.最后一张票在我到达前一分钟卖出去了,我就这么倒霉。Tyler is remarkably worldly-wise for such a young girl.就这么年轻的一个女孩来说,泰勒相当世故。That settles it! I'm leaving.就这么定了!我走了。Good, that's settled then. We'll all meet here next Wednesday.好的,那就这么定了。 我们下星期三都在这儿碰头。Having so little money to spend on an apartment does limit you in your choice.可花在租公寓上的钱就这么一点,当然会限制你的挑选余地。Good, that's the accommodation sorted.好的,住宿就这么安排吧。He won't just forgive you. He'll want you to crawl a bit first.他不会就这么原谅你。他会让你先点头哈腰一番。Come on, snap out of it! You can't let your breakup get you so depressed.嗨,振作起来!别因为分手就这么沮丧。I can't just throw everything up and come and live with you.我不能就这么抛弃一切,来和你一同生活。I really feared that this might be the end.我真担心可能就这么结束了。Without a cough in warning, the pistons simply stopped.活塞连噗的一声征兆也未发出就这么停了。His new job was certainly a challenge, but Edward tackled it with vigour and imagination.他的新工作无疑是一个挑战,但是爱德华精力充沛,想象力丰富,就这么对付了过去。No, you can't come with us, and that's final!你不能跟我们去,就这么定了!So that settles it. We'll pay you half the purchase price now, and the rest over two years.就这么定了,我们现在付给你售价的一半,其余的两年内付清。I saw a few films and generally kind of goofed off all day.我看了几部电影,基本上一整天就这么混过去了。It just happened, out of thin air.这事就这么突然发生了。We were just walking along, chatting.我们就这么一边往前走一边聊。It was unseasonably mild for late January.一月下旬天气就这么暖和有点反常。They just walked in and took all my money.他们就这么走进来把我的钱全拿走了。The limestone has simply dissolved away.石灰石就这么溶解掉了。Well, Your Honor, it happened this way. 哦,法官大人,事情就这么发生了。She either loves you or hates you - it's all or nothing with her.她要么爱你,要么恨你——就这么极端。He gave me the answer just like that.就这么一下子把答案告诉我了。




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