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例句 One might as well throw money away as spend it in betting.把钱用来打赌就如把它白白扔掉一样。The tutors' notes give guidance on how to plan your research.导师的讲义就如何制订研究计划给出了指导。Herbert would surely advise her on how to approach the bank.赫伯特一定会就如何与银行打交道给她提供建议。The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility.教会想就如何把自由与责任结合起来发表一下意见。Can you give me a few pointers on how to improve my writing?你能就如何提高写作水平给我一些建议吗?I've never known anyone be so full of beans before breakfast.我从没见过还未吃早饭就如此生龙活虎的人。It's unfortunate but, like I said, it's a decision we have to make.这很不幸,但是,就如我刚说过的,我们不得不作出这样一个决定。As the leaves of autumn wither and fall, so has my own life become barren.我的生命就如秋叶般枯萎凋零。The justices have been arguing about how the case should be disposed of.法官们就如何处理该案一直争论不休。The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet.这位营养学家就如何改善饮食给我提出了些建议,对我很有帮助。He walks a/the razor edge between humor and bad taste in his comedy.他的喜剧表演就如同走钢丝,很容易从幽默跌落至庸俗。The doctor gave the patient specific instructions on how to care for the wound.医生就如何护理伤口给了病人明确的指导。I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham.我想他认为自己是一名乡绅,在伯明翰就如离水之鱼一般浑身不自在。I mean, it's a relationship, the same as a marriage is a relationship.我的意思是它是一种人际关系,就如同婚姻也是一种人际关系一样。He proffered advice on how best to proceed.就如何最好地进行,他提出了建议。Crime Prevention Officers can visit your home and suggest ways to make it safer.预防犯罪的官员可以登门拜访并就如何使居所更安全向你提出建议。They have been unable to reach agreement about how to achieve reform.就如何实现改革,他们一直没能达成一致。It shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs.它说明了如何准备简历,并就如何申请职位提了些建议。The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet.这位膳食学家就如何改善饮食给我提了些建议,对我很有帮助。The talks have been snagged for months on how to deal with two new weapons.就如何处置两种新武器问题的谈判已搁浅好几个月了。Choosing a dry cleaner can be like a horribly expensive lucky dip.选择干洗店就如同一次代价非常昂贵的冒险。What poetic justice it is that Brady has to go to court to plead to be allowed to die, just like his innocent victims pleaded to be allowed to live.布雷迪不得不上法院恳求被处死,就如同当初无辜的受害者恳求免于一死一样,真是报应。The atmosphere after Wednesday's debut was as darkly comic as the film itself.星期三首映之后的气氛就如电影本身一样,充满了黑色喜剧色彩。The stock-market scandal is refusing to go away, mainly because there's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with.股票市场的丑闻迟迟没有消散,这主要是因为人们仍未就如何应对它达成共识。He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.他正在就如何振兴低迷的经济征求意见。We turned to an environmentalist nongovernmental organization for advice on responsible waste disposal.我们就如何负责任地进行废物处置的问题向一家非政府环保组织寻求建议。Davey sat as if hypnotized by the sound of Nick's voice.戴维听到尼克的说话声,就如同被施了催眠术一样呆坐在那里。We can offer you practical suggestions on how to increase the fibre in your daily diet.我们能就如何增加你日常饮食中的纤维素量提供实际的建议。The leaflet gives guidance on preparing for an interview.这个小册子就如何准备面试提供指导。As the chairman said in his introductory remarks, the growth of the company has been phenomenal.就如同主席在他的开场白中所说,公司的发展成绩显著。We welcome any suggestions from our viewers as to how to improve our service.我们欢迎观众就如何提高我们的服务质量提出任何意见。They discussed taking heavy traffic out of unsuitable towns and villages.他们就如何解决车流量不宜过大的城镇和乡村的交通拥堵问题进行了讨论。Just as the emotional needs of the mentally disabled are overlooked, so too are their spiritual needs.就如精神有问题者的情感需求被忽视一样,他们心灵上的需要同样也遭到忽视。Herbert would surely advise her how to approach the bank.赫伯特一定会就如何与银行接洽向她提供意见。The couple battled fiercely over how to spend their money.这对夫妇就如何花钱的问题激烈争吵。The article offers tips on how to keep kids safe near water.这篇文章就如何保证孩子们在水边的安全给出了提示。They are open to suggestions on how working conditions might be improved.他们愿意就如何改善工作条件听取各种意见。Once the speech was over, he was filled with a tremendous sense of relief.演讲一结束,他就如释重负。He is an artist, just as surely as Rembrandt or any other first-rate portrait painter is one.他无疑是一名画家,就如同伦勃朗或任何其他一流的肖像画家一样。




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