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词汇 尖声
例句 Guests panicked and screamed when the bomb exploded.炸弹爆炸后,客人们惊慌失措,尖声惊叫。She was cursing and screaming at me just because I was late.仅仅因为我迟到了,她就对我尖声咒骂。Sammy screamed at me to stay back.萨米尖声喊着叫我往后退。The trapped passengers screamed for help.被困的乘客尖声呼救。The siren rather whispers than screams.警报器呜呜作声,而不是尖声怪叫。The woman piped her disapproval.那妇人尖声嚷叫不赞成。The audience roared/shrieked/howled with laughter.观众们哈哈大笑/尖声狂笑/放声大笑。His voice suddenly sailed up in the sharp whine.他突然尖声哀号起来。The car braked to a screeching halt.汽车发出刺耳的尖声给刹住了。This caused shrieks of merriment around the table.这引得一桌人尖声欢叫。The boy screamed for help.那男孩尖声求救。Ralph shrieked with laughter.拉尔夫尖声狂笑。I fancied I could hear a baby screaming.我好像能听到有个婴儿在尖声哭叫。The phone shrilled, making her jump.电话铃尖声响起,把她吓了一跳。She screeched at me to take off my muddy shoes.尖声地叫我脱掉粘满泥污的鞋子。In a piping but determined voice she ordered me to sit down.尖声地但却坚定地命令我坐下。He was shrieking obscenities and weeping.他一边哭一边尖声咒骂着脏话。A high shrill whine made his skin crawl.一声响亮的尖声哀号使他汗毛直竖。She shrieked the grossest insults at him.她用最不堪入耳的话尖声辱骂他。Patsy chased him down the stairs, shrieking with laughter.帕齐尖声笑着,追着他奔下楼梯。The baby's howl turned to a high-pitched whine.宝宝的嚎哭变成了尖声的哀叫。Outside the courtroom girls shrieked abuse at the lawyers.法庭外面,女孩子们尖声辱骂律师。Bella turned and shrieked his name.贝拉转身尖声喊他的名字。Lewis whistled shrilly.刘易斯尖声吹著口哨。His voice was curiously high-pitched, reedy, almost effeminate.他的嗓音出奇地高,尖声尖气,有些娘娘腔。The children's constant screaming jangles my nerves.孩子们没完没了地尖声吵嚷,扰得我十分烦躁。




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