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词汇 characteristics
例句 What are the individual traits/characteristics of the breed?那个品种的个体特征/特点是什么?The new plant will have characteristics of both parent plants.新植株将兼有雌雄两亲本的特征。Those characteristics are abundantly evident in Webster's essay.在韦伯斯特的论文里这些特点表现得非常充分。Ralph can be very mean sometimes. It's one of his less endearing characteristics.拉尔夫有时非常吝啬。这是他不太讨人喜欢的性格特点之一。There are a number of distinguishing characteristics by which you can identify a Hollywood epic.好莱坞史诗巨片有许多突出的特点,很好辨认。One of the characteristics of this species is the dark blue markings on its back.这一物种的特征之一是其背部的深蓝色斑点。The melodies of most composers have distinguishing characteristics which make them instantly identifiable.大多数作曲家的旋律都具有与众不同的特征,使它们一听便可辨认出来。The two diseases have a number of characteristics in common.这两种病有一些相同特性。The two species have several characteristics in common.这两个物种有几个共同的特征。All great leaders share certain characteristics which must be seen as the key to their success.所有伟大的领导人都具有某些共同的性格特征,应当认为这些特征是使他们取得成功的关键。Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.父母把某些特性遗传给子女。The UK shares many characteristics with other European countries.英国与其他欧洲国家有许多共同特征。Under certain given circumstances, an agglomeration of men presents new characteristics very different from those of the individuals composing it.在某种特定情况下,人们聚集在一起时表现出新的特征,它们与这些人单独表现的特征很不相同。Style, comfort and superior cuisine are the most important characteristics of a good hotel.独特的风格、舒适的环境和上等的美食是一家好的酒店最重要的特色。Genes determine the characteristics of every living thing.基因决定了每一种生物的特征。The main aim of inbreeding is to standardise, to fix desirable inherited characteristics and to dispel undesirable ones.同系交配的主要目的就是实现标准化,保持理想的遗传特性,并消除不良的特性。The main character in the movie is Dr Hannibal Lector, who displays all the characteristics of a psychopath.影片的主人公是汉尼拔·莱克特医生,他表现出了一个精神变态者的种种特点。Owing to its fire-proof characteristics, asbestos is often used to make the main curtain of a stage.由于石棉有防火作用,它经常被用来做舞台的大幕。The two cities share many characteristics.这两个城市有很多共同的特点。The new stove has many desirable features/characteristics.这种新式炉子有很多令人满意的特点。Each person's handwriting has its own peculiar characteristics.每个人的笔迹都有其独特之处。Family influence dominates the shaping of one's characteristics.家庭的影响对于塑造一个人的性格起主要作用。Some materials may exhibit the characteristics of both a liquid and a solid.有一些材料可呈现出液体和固体的双重特性。In multiple personality disorder, the alternate personalities have distinct characteristics, names, and histories.在多种人格障碍中,每种人格有独特的性格、名字和生平。Each neighbourhood in New York has its own characteristics.纽约的每个居民区都有自己的特点。A book can be identified by characteristics other than a name—a color or a shape, for example.书可以通过除了名字以外的其他特征标志,如颜色或者形状查找。All Homo sapiens share certain characteristics.所有智人都具有某些相同特征。Faithfulness is one of the preponderant characteristics of dogs.忠心是狗的一个重要特性。I looked upon her characteristics as indicative of an exalted spirituality.我认为她的性格特点体现了她内心的高尚。Greediness is one of the common characteristics of compulsive gamblers.贪婪是嗜赌成癖的赌棍们的普遍特性之一。Voters are primarily attracted by the charisma or personal characteristics of a candidate.选民主要为候选人的个人魅力或个性所吸引。The main characteristics of capitalism are private ownership of capital and freedom of enterprise.资本主义的主要特征是资本私有以及企业自由。One of Emma's less laudable characteristics was her jealousy.忌妒心强是埃玛一个不太好的性格特点。In the future parents may be able to choose their children's physical characteristics.将来父母也许可以选择自己孩子的身体特征。These two species share a common set of characteristics.这两个物种有一组共同特征。Certain characteristics can be developed through selective breeding.有些特征可以通过选择育种而形成。All hospitals share some common characteristics.所有的医院都有一些共同的特征。What are some of the characteristics of this breed of dog?这种狗有哪些特征?The plant has several distinguishing characteristics/features.这种植物有几大特征。Just recently China has produced two best-selling novels discussing lupine characteristics.中国最近出了两本讨论狼的本性的小说,非常卖座。




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