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The van was fuelled and waiting in the basement car park.小货车加好了油,在地下停车场等着。A van bumped into us, damaging one of the headlights and breaking off the aerial.小货车撞了我们的车,损坏了一个车前灯,折断了天线。The van was stopped at customs in Harwich.小货车在哈里奇海关被拦下了。Seeing the van was gaining on him, he turned suddenly onto a dirt road.看到小货车在追上来,他突然转弯开到一条烂泥路上去了。The van had just rounded the corner when it was hit by a lorry.一辆小货车刚绕过街角,就被一辆大卡车撞上了。He was killed at a road junction by a van driver who went through a red light.他在交叉路口被一辆闯红灯的小货车撞死了。The police car caught up with the stolen van after a long chase.警车经过长距离追赶,终于追上了那辆被盗的小货车。I drove my van across country just for the heck of it.我开着小货车跨越全国,就是为了好玩而已。We'll have to hire a van to move all this stuff.我们得雇辆小货车把所有这些东西都搬走。She heard music coming from inside the van as it drove past.小货车驶过的时候她听到有音乐从里面传出来。His car hit a van coming in the opposite direction.他的车与迎面驶来的小货车相撞。A van screeched onto the road in front of me.一辆小货车嘎吱一声插到我前面。He pulled out to overtake the van.他驶离路边,去超那辆红色的小货车。I manoeuvred the van carefully into the driveway.我娴熟地驾驶着小货车小心驶入车道。The van was stuck fast in the mud.小货车深陷在泥里。Did you see a white van parked out here earlier today?今天早些时候,你有没有看到一辆白色小货车停在这外面?Sue parked off the main street, with the van's nose pointing away from the street.休把小货车停在远离大街的地方,车头背对着大街。The Mercedes began to gain on the van.那辆奔驰开始逼近小货车。A white van was seen in the vicinity at about the time when the murder took place.凶杀案发生时,有人看到一辆白色小货车停在附近。I didn't know what I wanted to do, so I drove my van round Europe, just for the hell of it.我不知道自己想要做什么,于是就开着我的小货车周游了欧洲,只是为了好玩而已。The inside of a van was as good a place as any to hold a kidnap victim.小货车内是关押被绑架人的好地方。He cussed me out for crashing his pickup truck.他对我破口大骂,因为我撞毁了他的小货车。Among the trees below, he could make out a yellow pick-up truck.他在下面的树丛里隐约看到一辆黄色的小货车。He slowly reversed the van into the parking place.他慢慢地把小货车倒着开进了停车场。Fortunately, Jorge appeared at that moment and was able to help us load things into the van.幸好乔治在那时候出现了,他帮我们把东西搬上小货车。They were on their way to the Shropshire Union Canal when their van was involved in a collision with a car.在去往什罗普郡联盟运河的路上,他们的小货车与一辆小车相撞。He checked his mirror and saw that a blue van was immediately behind him.他看了一下后视镜,发现一辆蓝色小货车紧随其后。 |