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例句 Only two chapters to go, and then I'm finished.还有两章我就完成了。I am grateful to him for letting me read his early chapters in manuscript.他允许我拜读了其手稿的前几章,对此我十分感激。The chapters that follow deal mainly with mathematics.之后的几章主要讲数学。I lost interest in the book after a couple chapters.这本书我读了几章就没兴趣了。We have embarked on one of the most exciting chapters in the book of life.我们已经翻开了生活教科书中最令人兴奋的篇章。The author devotes two chapters to language acquisition.作者用两章的篇幅专门论述语言习得。She wrote the first three chapters of her book and received an advance payment from the publisher.她写完书的前三章就收到了出版商的预付稿酬。The test will be on the first three chapters of the book.测验范围是这本书前三章的内容。His rise to power is briefly sketched in the first two chapters.他得势掌权的经过在头两章里作了简单的描述。The first few chapters are slow, but after that it gets better.最开始的几章没什么意思,不过后面好一些了。The first chapters read like a lecture.前几章写得像讲稿。The chapters may be studied out of sequence.可以不按顺序来阅读这些章节。The method of helping such patients is explained in the following chapters.关于如何帮助这种病人,下面章节中将会作出解释。The early chapters of the book signpost what is going to happen further on.这本书的头几章预示了稍后将要发生的事情。Read chapters 1-4 of the book.请阅读该书的第一章至第四章。As we have seen in previous chapters, visualization methods are varied.我们在前几章已经了解到,可视化方法是多种多样的。I read the first three chapters and took some notes.我看了前三章,并记了笔记。Make sure you read the relevant chapters.务必阅读相关章节。We have two chapters to read for homework.我们的家庭作业是阅读两个章节。Don't rush through the chapters; take notes as you read.不要匆匆翻阅章节,要边看边做笔记。Begin by planning on three two-hour reviews with four chapters per session.开始计划复习三次,每次两小时,每两小时温习四章。I read a few chapters of a book every night.我每晚都要看几个章节的书。The chapters are really short, so I read a couple every night.章节很短,所以我每天晚上读几章。I think you can get through the first two chapters.我想你能完成前两章。I only read the first two chapters of the book.我只读了这本书的前两章。The plot was so complicated that I was totally confused by the time I was two chapters in.故事情节太复杂了,我看了两章就全糊涂了。The later chapters discuss the effects on the environment.后面的几章阐述了对环境产生的影响。There are many chapters in Wilkins’ long, colorful life, including the time he spent in prison.威尔金斯漫长而又丰富多彩的生活中有许多篇章,其中包括他在狱中度过的那一段。At school we often had to copy out whole chapters from the Bible.学生时代,我们常常得整章整章地抄写《圣经》。The book has extremely short chapters.这本书的章节篇幅极短。A number of other theories will be discussed in the following chapters.接下来的章节将阐述其他一些理论。I like the book, but the chapters are really long.我喜欢这本书,但是章节很长。Read the next two chapters before Friday.星期五之前看完下两章。Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages.最后两章中的很多说法是对前文的呼应。The book is divided into chapters, sections and subsections.这本书划分了章、节和小节。The book is divided into individual chapters.这本书分成了若干个独立章节。I read the first few chapters and then got bored.我读了开头几章就厌烦了。The problem will be discussed at length in subsequent chapters.这个问题将在后面几章详细讨论。There is a sense of discontinuity between the book's chapters.这本书的各章节之间好像不大连贯。The book's introductory chapters include helpful glosses for/of many unfamiliar terms.这本书的开头几章包括了对许多陌生术语的有用注释。




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