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词汇 小汽车
例句 The firm has been unable to satisfy demand for its new small car.公司的新型小汽车供不应求。We mounted the canoe onto the car's roof rack.我们把独木舟安放在小汽车的车顶行李架上。The headlights caught a fox crossing the road in front of a car.车的前灯照在一只在一辆小汽车前横穿公路的狐狸身上。A truck had collided with a car.一辆卡车与一辆小汽车相撞。Other drivers, in cars and heavy trucks, sped by.其他司机开着小汽车和重型卡车飞驰而过。The roads are barely wide enough for cars.这些路很窄,小汽车只能勉强通行。They arrived by car.他们是坐小汽车来的。I mean small cars are the answer surely. Or there again a good system of public transport might do the same thing.我是说小汽车肯定是解决之道,不过良好的公交系统或许也能解决问题。It's a lovely little car – the ride is comfortable and the handling excellent.这辆小汽车真棒 — 乘坐舒适,操控非常灵便。The car was moving very slowly.小汽车在极其缓慢地移动。Cars quickly stacked up behind the bus.公共汽车后面的小汽车很快排成了长龙。I want my car this colour.我希望我的小汽车是这种颜色的。The firm has been unable to satisfy demand for its new small car.那家公司一直未能满足对其所生产的新型小汽车的需求。His massive family wedged into a small car for vacation.他的一大家子人挤进一辆小汽车前去度假。The factory cranks out hundreds of cars every day.这家工厂每天飞速造出数百辆小汽车The car collided with a truck/tree.小汽车撞上了一辆卡车/一棵树。He's driving a rust bucket.他开着一辆破旧的小汽车When you're riding in a car, you should always belt up for safety.为了安全起见,乘坐小汽车时应系好安全带。The car was pulling a caravan.那辆小汽车正在拖一辆有篷卡车。I wedged myself into the car's back seat.我挤进了小汽车的后座。The black car was indicating to turn left.那辆黑色小汽车亮起指示灯表示将要向左转弯。It's a nice little car, innit?一辆很棒的小汽车,是吧?The taxi sideswiped a parked car.出租车剐蹭了一辆停着的小汽车I'm sure there's a jinx on this car.我确信这辆小汽车会带来厄运。His folks bought him a car for his birthday.他父母给他买了一辆小汽车祝贺他的生日。The car was in collision with a van.那辆小汽车与一辆卡车相撞。The car ran smack into the side of the bus.小汽车砰的一声撞上了公共汽车的侧面。He jumped into a car and made his escape.他跳上一辆小汽车逃走了。A car flashed its headlights at me.一辆小汽车向我晃了晃前灯。A car turned into the driveway.小汽车驶入了私人车道。She can't ride a bicycle, let alone drive a car.她连自行车都不会骑,更别说开小汽车了。She was crushed between two cars.她被挤在两辆小汽车之间。We got in the back of the car.我们钻进了小汽车后部。Eventually she had saved enough money to buy a small car.她最终存够了买一辆小汽车的钱。This nippy new car has fold-down rear seats.这辆大马力小汽车装有可折叠后座椅。Greater investment in public transport would keep more cars off the roads.加大对公共交通事业的投资将会减少公路上小汽车的数量。All things being equal, a small car will cost less than a larger one.在同等的条件下,小汽车要比大一点的汽车便宜。Yesterday he went off to buy himself a brand-new car.昨天他去给自己买了一辆崭新的小汽车The couple are wavering over the purchase of a car.夫妻俩在买不买小汽车这件事情上举棋不定。Two other passengers in the car suffered serious injuries.小汽车内的另外两名乘客受了重伤。




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