例句 |
Cut the pastry into a square and turn in the corners.把油酥面团切成一个小方块,然后把四角向内叠起。For a joke, he put an ice cube down the back of her dress.他开玩笑,把一小方块冰放在她连衣裙的后背上。He cut his paper up into tiny squares, and he numbered each one.他把纸剪成了小方块,然后逐一编号。Cut the cheese into small cubes.将奶酪切成小方块。Peel the cucumber and chop it into small cubes.把黄瓜削皮,再切成小方块。Cut the brownies into squares.把巧克力蛋糕切成小方块。Cube the meat before putting it in the pan.肉放到平底锅前先把它切成小方块。Cut the bread into cubes.把面包切成小方块。 |