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While the increase in homicides is alarming, it is nothing compared to what is to come in the rest of the decade.虽然凶杀案的增加令人担忧,但和这个十年里接下来的几年将要发生的事相比却是小巫见大巫了。I thought I was badly treated but my experiences pale in comparison with yours.我以为自己受到了苛刻的对待,但我的经历和你的一比,真是小巫见大巫。The Yankees’ problems pale by comparison with those of the Dodgers.与道奇队的麻烦相比,洋基队的问题好比小巫见大巫。The minor scandals of recent months paled to insignificance beside this episode.最近几个月的那些小丑闻与这件事相比,好比小巫见大巫,显得不足道。 |