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词汇 小岛
例句 He lived on a small island off the shore.他住在离海边不远的一个小岛上。Years of war have left their mark on these pretty islands.多年的战争给这些美丽的小岛留下了巨大的创伤。The main industry on the outlying islands is farming.那些边远小岛的主要产业是农业。The city of Cork is built on an island in the centre of a river.科克城建在河中央的一座小岛上。The peace of this island community has been repeatedly violated.小岛居民的安宁一再遭到搅扰。After spending a week on the tiny island, we were happy to return to the mainland.小岛上待了一星期之后,我们很高兴回到了大陆。We sailed northerly around the island.我们沿着小岛向北航行。We sailed southerly around the island.我们沿着小岛向南航行。Early settlers called the tiny island the navel of the world.早期定居者称这个小岛为世界的中心。They lived a rough life on a small island.他们在小岛上过著简陋的生活。All the illegal immigrants were confined to a small island in the harbour.所有的非法移民都被关在港口的一个小岛上。East and West sparred over tiny Pacific isles.东西方为太平洋上的一些小岛争吵。We dropped anchor off a small island.我们在一个小岛边下锚停航。The raft was carried by ocean currents to a small island.这木筏被海洋的水流带到了一个小岛These islands are on the margins of human habitation.这些小岛处于人类聚居地的边缘。There's plenty to discover as you ramble around this little island.漫步这个小岛,你会有很多新发现。That misfired rocket headed for the island with hypersonic speed.那个误射的飞弹以超高音速朝小岛飞去。The island has developed its economy around tourism.小岛开发了旅游经济。She left the small island and became famous in France.她离开小岛而在法国成名。The island is too slow for her liking.这个小岛太沉闷了,不合她的胃口。They were going to sail around the little island, against the tide.他们打算绕着小岛逆潮航行。The princess is buried on a small island.公主被埋葬在一个小岛上。He got his first lessons in cold calling, following his uncle as he sold sewing machines around the island.他跟着叔叔在小岛周边销售缝纫机,获得了上门销售的最初经验。She always wanted to live on a lush Caribbean island.她一直想住在一个植被茂盛的加勒比小岛上。It was a real culture shock to find herself in Bangkok after living on a small island.在一座小岛上生活过后,回到曼谷使她感受到不小的文化冲击。James struck up a friendship with a small boy who owned a pony on the island.詹姆斯和小岛上一个养了一匹小马的小男孩儿交上了朋友。They crossed the island to catch a boat for islands south of Skye.他们横穿小岛,以赶上开往斯凯岛以南岛屿的那班船。Diplomatic spats over those tiny islands escalated to confrontation.围绕着那几个小岛的外交争端逐步升级成为对抗。The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands.颜色鲜艳的小船定期往返于那些小岛之间。They recently bulit a bridge between the mainland and the closest island.最近他们在大陆和最近的小岛之间建了一座桥。You can find whole regiments of birds on the islet.在那个小岛上你可以看到成群的鸟。The island is truly a heaven on earth.这座小岛真是人间天堂。The prison was on a small, rocky island. There was no hope of escape.监狱建在一座布满岩石的小岛上,没有希望逃出去。If you stared long enough and hard, you could even begin to hallucinate the appearance of small islands.如果长时间目不转睛地盯着看,你甚至会产生幻觉,看到一些小岛的出现。The island has a high quotient of clergymen.牧师占了小岛人口的很大一部分。The island was a blur through misty rain.蒙胧的雨中,小岛影影绰绰。The island dodged a bullet when the hurricane turned south.飓风向南移动,这个小岛躲过了一劫。The Aleutian chain is a long arc of islands in the North Pacific.阿留申群岛是北太平洋上一长串呈弧形排列的小岛She pointed the ship to a narrow pass between two islets.她驾着轮船朝两座小岛之间的一处狭窄水道迎风驶去。It's these hotels that give the island such a bad name.正是这些旅馆令那座小岛声名狼藉。




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