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The Afghan authorities say the airport had been closed for more than a year.阿富汗当局称,该机场已经关闭一年多了。The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.阿富汗空军正用直升机向被包围的城镇提供物资。The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.苏联变得急于想把它的军队从阿富汗困局中撤出来。The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.阿富汗空军正用直升机向被围城镇提供补给。They fought as volunteers with the Afghan guerrillas.他们作为志愿军和阿富汗的游击队员并肩作战。 |