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The snack bar is open during the day.小吃店白天营业。Would you like to go to the sandwich bar at lunchtime?午饭时你想去那家三明治小吃店吗?Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches.我们都没吃午饭,于是便去小吃店买了火腿三明治。Fish-and-chip shops are a shadow of their former numbers.出售炸鱼加薯条的小吃店如今已所剩无几了。We do sandwiches and other snacks in the bar.我们小吃店供应三明治和其他小吃。He stopped at a bar for a little refreshment.他在一家小吃店前停下买些点心饮料。We went for a sandwich lunch at the local bar.我们到当地的小吃店吃了三明治午餐。Before the film, I bought some popcorn and a drink at the snack bar.电影开演前,我在小吃店买了些爆米花和饮料。There's a snack bar at the pool where we can get nachos.游泳池那儿有家小吃店,我们可以去买烤墨西哥玉米片。He stole a Mars bar from the school tuck shop.他从学校小吃店偷了一条玛氏巧克力棒。 |